As much as it sucks, maybe you'll be happy to now your plantar fascitis seems relatively mild compared to some of my friends, they can barely roll out of bed or walk in the morning when theirs happens. Have you double checked your walking gait? In the case of said friends I have noticed that the way they walk is a bit odd and might contribute to that problem.
I'm assuming you've already checked for alignment/flexibility/weird angle when doing things with the elbow but have to ask anyway :)
Hmmm, that's a good point. I've had my running gait and stride checked... but I don't think anyone looked at my walking gait. It seems okay to me just observationally, but who knows?
I'll try to be super consistent with my stretches and if that doesn't make a difference I'll get my gait assessed.
The angles for the elbow is such a thing! When my elbow was hurting during exercises, I could adjust the angle and the pain would stop immediately... I'm finding it a little trickier now that the pain only appears a day or two after... but I'm keeping an eye on the things that I think might be affecting it - I think I might have weeks/months of trial and error ahead of me, hence the blog.