GYM update, up the volume than before.

in #fitness6 years ago

I did leave a bit in the tank again, but only so that I can do more sets. Sometimes you have to listen to your body, and I did exactly that.

Box squat 4,4,4,3,5 reps of 82.5kg
Chin ups 5,5,5,
Pause bench 2,3,2,3,2 of 60kg
Pendlay Rows 5x5 52.5kg
Tricep extension 16,16,10
Leg raise (I kept doing it until my hand got tired, then take 5 seconds break and did it again). 17, 19, 12 reps

Today was a good progress day in my opinion. I enjoyed it a lot.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzz I am Lazy

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