Reactive pump for your gains! Train this couple for more pumps!

in #fitness8 years ago

Decline Barbell Triceps Extension / Hammer Curl

Goal: Engorge the triceps with blood.

Sets: 4 rounds

Reps: 15 / 15 reps

We'll always do lying triceps extensions last, regardless of the type. No exercise beats up elbows as much as lying extensions, so I never like doing them early in a routine, especially if we're using heavy weight. On the other hand, if you do them at the end of a workout, when your triceps are pumped and elbows "greased," lying triceps extensions are awesome for building thickness, pain-free.Some weeks we'll do these on an incline and some weeks on a slight decline. Both allow you to stretch really well. This week, I want to use a slight decline. Lower the bar to your nose, and drive straight up to 3/4 lockout. Don't force your elbows in unnaturally as the weight descends and don't flare your elbows, either. Keep the elbows tracking in their natural groove.Superset with hammer curl:We can't forget to train your brachialis muscle. This is the little bubble of a muscle that sits on the outside of the upper arm, in-between your biceps and triceps. When you develop the brachialis, it adds a roundness and thickness to the upper arm that's very impressive.Work one arm at a time, alternating between arms. As always, don't swing!  JUST TRY IT! and follow me


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