That would be awesome. I made my attempt at 315 in 2021. Hit 305 and was very close on 315 but strained my peck slightly and backed off it. That was raw. No wrist wraps and not using the aggressive back arch, belt, or sling shot or anything. My power to weight ratio isn't as good on Bench as some of my other lifts. I hit 340lb on front squats below parallel and I would say that is one of my more impressive PRs.
That would be awesome. I made my attempt at 315 in 2021. Hit 305 and was very close on 315 but strained my peck slightly and backed off it. That was raw. No wrist wraps and not using the aggressive back arch, belt, or sling shot or anything. My power to weight ratio isn't as good on Bench as some of my other lifts. I hit 340lb on front squats below parallel and I would say that is one of my more impressive PRs.