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RE: Progression

in #fitness8 years ago

Hey danigirl you're on the right track! Great post by the way and awesome pictures! Really enjoyed the post. I've been all over the board with this being in shape and out of shape through out my life. The one thing I've found is that the SAD diet in America is the contributing factor to being out of shape and unhealthy. The body has a blue print and wants to fix itself and when given what it needs and was designed to use it does just this. Most people trying to get in shape will change their diets to proteins and healthier choices within the SAD diet. This is wrong in my opinion as proteins through meat are very acidic to the body. Dairy is another very terrible thing to put into the human body along with grains of any sort. I know this goes against what we're taught but it is in fact truth and the one's we've learned from are taught wrong and incorrect. A wonderful place to start is with Dr. Morse on the YOUTUBE. Fascinating man who understands the body very well. Enjoyed!