Just remember that the first one or two weeks on a diet always are the hardest because your body has to adapt to the changes.. Just keep going! It will feel so good when you even notice more result :)
Just remember that the first one or two weeks on a diet always are the hardest because your body has to adapt to the changes.. Just keep going! It will feel so good when you even notice more result :)
Well, day 2 of this is going better then yesterday. I picked more filling foods that are low in calories so I at least don't hate myself before going to bed :) I'll keep this up I have to, I need to get back into a healthy state!
Great attitude on your reply here. Attitude is what makes you and will get you through. Will power only works to a point. Please be careful with the low calorie foods to ensure that they aren't load with either real or fake sugar as your body doesn't know the difference. Fruit and veggies, OK, but so much that is promoted as health food is not. Looking forward to following your journey. I'm behind you man!