Lack of energy? hmmm, if you don't have any heart problems and you work out in the morning you can take some coffee before working out, many studies say it improves muscle contractrion, it mobilizes fats, and energizes you. I usually take 2 coffees before working out, unless i work out in the evening, no caffeine 12 hour before slepping or your sleep won't be as good, and sleeping is even more important than working out, i would say sleeping and diet are 80% of the work, working out are the other 20%.
You can do it too, if you want to lose weight even faster try to do hiit (sprint training), just 10 minutes of sprints daily and your body becomes a furnance stripping away every once of fat you got. Also, you can walk in the morning without eating, WALK, don't run, running will make you lose muscle, but walking won't, the human body is made so you burn fat if you walk.
Don't eat carbs before your workout, eat them after, i know it's kinda strange, but it's something called carb backloading, and it works, people think i starved to death when i was dieiting, well, they couldn't be more wrong, this was my meal after working out:
As you can see, i ate a lot and still managed to drop weight, that was around 1kg of rice(cooked),some vegetables, meat and eggs.
Damn, now you got me pumped to do blogs about bodybuilding :D be sure to follow me, sooner or later i will write blog about bodybuilding and how to burn fat as fast as you can and keep it off
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