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RE: 2018 weight loss challenge weekly weigh in

in #fitness7 years ago

Every day is a “cheat day “ I literally eat what ever I want so long as I account for it ..the other day I had straight up cookie dough for dinner lol. But I was a good boy and barely ate anything all day other than low cal raw veggies so at the end of the day I was still under and didn’t even have to hit the treadmill


If all my clients would adopt an attitude like yours my work would be a lot easier. Most people come to me with no idea about nutrition and feel the need for me put them on a tortuous exercise program like they see on shows like the biggest loser.

No-one has to beat themselves up to lose weight and as you've said exercise isn't even mandatory. The diet is where real changes need to happen.

You've got this man, I'm sure you're going to be in top shape in a relatively short time.

Thanks it’s simple math if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight I tried for yrs counting calories etc but until you figure out what you are burning it’s futile