10,000 Steps Challenge Progress Update - July 30, 2018

in #fitness7 years ago

Manic Monday Grind

Today is the start of the week, and the second to the last day before the new month, so let us finish strong the 10k steps challenge.

10,000 Steps Challenge


Daily Stats:

Number of Steps: 5807
Distance: 4.20KM
Calories Burned: 263Kcal


Weekly Stats:

Number of Steps: 5807
Distance: 4.20KM
Calories Burned: 263Kcal


Monthly Stats:

Number of Steps: 242,276
Distance: 175.95KM
Calories Burned: 10,998Kcal


Yearly Stats:

Number of Steps: 418,104
Distance: 303.65KM
Calories Burned: 18,980Kcal

Run Tracking

Distance: 8.54KM
Burned: 627CAL
Duration: 1 hour 38 minutes

No runs for today, that brings in a total of 8 runs, 62.87KM, 4550 Calories burned, with a duration of 12 hours 9 minutes


Thank you very much, catch the next update again tomorrow!


Great results still even though its little steps.