I have discussed the start of my Fitbit journey
Starting Weight: 76 Kg
Weight Today: 69 Kg
Daily Stats
Number of steps: 1300
Distance travelled: 0.96KM
Calories burned: 1926cals
Minutes of exercise: 0
Monthly Stats
Number of steps: 61,951
Distance travelled: 46.12KM
Calories burned: 47,051cals
Minutes of exercise: 431
Yearly Stats
Number of steps: 1,418,150
Distance travelled: 957.33KM
Calories burned: 715,967cals
Minutes of exercise: 9,190
All Time Stats
Number of steps: 2,925,996
Distance travelled: 2,194.75KM
Calories burned: 1,550,870
Minutes of exercise: 18,894
Well that's it for today, catch tomorrows edition once again.
Thanks for reading!!
Great tracking app!
Looking good.