Back daaaaaaay!

in #fitness7 years ago

Hey everyone!

Idk why but I had an overwhelming amount of energy today! I didn’t even hesitate for the gym. It was a great day. It’s days like today that we need to take advantage of. So I went ahead and destroyed my back haha

My workout consisted of:

Good mornings- 30
Bent over dumbbell row-30
Bent over wide row-30
Bent over two arm long arm row-30
Back extensions-30
Machine rows-30
Pull up machine help regular grip- 15
Pull up machine help reverse grip- 15
(I’m not able to do pull ups without assistance yet but I’m working on it!)

Don’t forget you can also join the 100 rep challenge at this link here

I hope everyone is having a great time working out, if you haven’t yet, it’s not too late to start! What did you workout today? Let me know in the comments!
(Picture from google)


How much % help are you getting on the pull-up machine? Those are helpful for building up confidence if you've been away from it for a while.

I weigh 250 and on the machine I’m getting 115lbs of help. I’ve never been able to do a pull up so I’m working towards that.