Pulling skis on at my doorstep

in #fitnesschallenge7 years ago (edited)

I started today’s cross country exercise on my doorstep (instead of walking the 100 meters to the ski track). It's a wonderful feeling. No hassle, just pull the ski on and start skiing! It reminds me of my childhood in North-Norway, at Senja. It was always a lot of snow up there. You could ski everywhere. But back to Oslo: it's still snowing here. Perfect conditions today as well. Temperature: 0 Celsius. Good glide.

I participate in the #fitnesschallenge Check out @steemmatt for details. Today’s exercise implies 1,5 hour cross country with high intensity, which means 300 reps. Challenge completed!

Last nights snowfall still makes skiing possible in Oslo.

Challenge completed! Thank you all for the motivation!

Finally, please allow me to brag about my countrymen the champions for bringing home from Pyeongchang another gold medal today, the men's relay race.

Congratulations to the Norwegian Champions

A nice Sunday to all of you @kristihh

img. source 3: NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting)/Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpiximg. source 1 & 2: @kristihh