India's best and cheapest multivitamin for daily use : MUST READ !! THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

in #fittness7 years ago

imageA multivitamin is a preparation intended to serve as a dietary supplement - with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements.
Today i will tell you about best and cheapest multivitamin available at your nearest chemist shop , its advantages and its sides effect -:


what is becadexain ??
Becadexamin capsule is a complex of multivitamin, multimineral and other essential nutrients.This is brand of capsule is manufactured by Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd available in 30 capsules in amber coloured bottle.
Vit B1 5 mg
Vit B2 5 mg
Vit C 75 mg
Vit B12 5 mcg
Vit A 5000 iu
Folic Acid (Vit B9) 1 mg
Vit B6 2 mg
D-Panthenol 5 mg
Vit D3 400 iu
Nicotinamide 45 mg
Zinc Sulphate 50 mg
Copper Sulphate 0.1 mg
Magnesium Oxide 0.15 mg
Potassium Iodide 0.025 mg
Ferrous Fumarate 50 mg
Vit E 14 mg
Calcium Dibasic Phosphate 70 mg
Manganese Sulphate 0.01 mg

What are the Side Effects ?

Becadexamin can cause following side-effects:
Minerals in overdose may lead this side effects as

tooth staining,
increased urination,
stomach bleeding,
uneven heart rate,
muscle weakness
. Common side effects are:

upset stomach Loss of appetite
Allergic rejection
Stomach ache

daily consumption should be 1 capsule by a normal people who don't do any type of fittnes or gym and gym going and athlete can take 2 pills a day its is very powerful medicine which will definately help you to become healthy and fit i also eat that i can show as well in proof image


Don't know why people are after this multivitamin pills....It has nothing to do in our body except some deficiency disease ...We are getting sufficient amount of vitamins through our diet.

Absolutely right
Only good and healthy diet can fulfill our vitamin requirement

Very wrong bro we will get sufficient amount of Vitamins in our diet only if we eat good and healthy diet....... People in India mostly eat junk food and then suffer from disease


can this tablet are food seplement ?

It's a tablet which will add some good vitamins and keep you healthy

It's a tablet which
Will add some good vitamins
And keep you healthy

                 - vedantsingh

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doctorhealth i m not agree with u
coz our diet not giving everything

we should focus on our diet.this is much better than capsule

I don't understand the need for a multivitamin capsule for a normal person. They should be instead having fruits according to me. Its ok for people in illness but in my opinion it should be completely avoided

Hello bro you are right tablet is not solution but sometimes taking nutrients from medicine is more better sure 90 %of people in do not take care of diet and eat so much junk food

For vegetarian it is good.

check out nutricharge men it really helped me btw good article

good article to read and also helpful

This should be taken by everyone, really good

Good info post