5 facts about me

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)

I've been nominated twice to do this now and I'm afraid if I put it off any longer I'll have to give 15 or more facts about myself. Lets bang on with just 5 and thanks to @demotruk and @earisu for nominating

1. I once dressed up as a prostitute with a sign that said "For Rent" standing in the main lobby area of my university as part of a college assignment.

I can't even really remember the point of that assignment but when I went to University I studied a course where I did a lot of stuff like this. In one class I remember we all had to stand and watch people eating in the cafe as if we were watching a show. We listened and laughed whenever they laughed making them feel extremely awkward. This was on our lecturers instruction. Another class was spent pretending to be toddlers in a creche - again, the lecturers idea. Dressing up as a prostitute was my own idea though.


It was often surreal to be on a course that consisted of so much fun but in the end I think I've learned performance skills and how to let go of inhibitions that prevent you from saying or doing something that makes people feel a certain way about you. It was a degree in cultural resource studies and that particular class was theatre and performance studies.

My classmate and I performing in a play as 2 talking dead dogs

2. I am a feminist and that doesn't mean whining about women's rights

Another class on this course was cultural theories in context. That's where I learned what normal university students tend to learn about, including people who made a difference to the world. Feminism was just one of many of the cultural theories we studied but it's one that I almost always assigned myself to when given a choice. Believe it or not, studying feminism did not turn me into a man hating lesbian that wants to destroy the institution of marriage and lock up women who self objectify themselves through photography or pornography. In fact I'd go as far to say that it probably had the opposite effect - opening my eyes to the perpetuated myth that women's problems are men's fault. I was taught to look objectively at the way people and the world is and question and analyse why they are that way - not to force change but to find freedom. Freedom from whatever restrictions both men and women suffer from due to cultural appropriation and delegation for gender.

3. I'm obsessed with flying and hope to buy myself an airplane with bitcoin CASH

I'm not sure when or how it started, maybe it was from always climbing trees when I was a kid. For some reason I've always loved being high. And no, I don't smoke or take inducing substances. I'll have the odd drink to help with my tolerance of other people under the influence but that's not the high I'm talking about. I train in pole and aerial arts which involves climbing or pulling up to a height and performing tricky movements known as "tricks" while up there. I've also once taken a flying lesson where I first did a simulated take off and landing, and then actually went up in a plane and took control while up there. Believe it or not the simulator was far more terrifying than the actual flight.

4. I've always had a hard time maintaining a healthy weight

One of the reasons I took up aerial arts was because I was looking for a sport and fitness routine to boost my appetite. Through neglect and stress I have on multiple occasions found myself to be underweight according to NIH standards. I don't believe in the accuracy of the BMI scale because I believe it only works as a general rule for the majority of people, but I would be just one exception to the rule. I have build up my weight before to the point where my belly was starting to protrude unhealthily but even then I was less than 8 stone.

I do have a problem of losing weight fast when I don't eat properly. It would often happen if I had been drinking that I would completely lose my appetite the following day and have to force myself to eat. Stress and anxiety have also contributed to weight loss in the past and each time it happens I end up putting myself onto a strict self built diet of bingeing to try to make up for the weight that was lost. And it always takes longer to get it back. Some people will say "lucky you, take some of my fat" and often suggest that the opposite way around is worse. I can't help but feel that these people lack understanding or don't make the effort to understand that this issue is just the same but on the other side of the spectrum and is just as humiliating for self esteem and hard to control.

5. I have 2 tattoos and I'm going to tell you about 1 of them

I got my second tattoo about 5 years ago and have written about it on steemit before. Although a lot of people look at it and ask is it clouds or fish or other embarrassingly incorrect guesses I have tiger stripes that run down the back of my neck onto my shoulder blade. I designed this tattoo myself over a couple months of just imagining it already there before I actually made the decision to get it printed. I was going through a learning curve at the time about self acceptance. I had gone through a break up that riddled me with guilt and it took me a long time to forgive my selfish nature.

The reason for the tiger stripes is due to 2 things I respect about tigers. The first is that they are evil by nature. That might sound like something that shouldn't be respected but I'm talking about from the perspective of the creatures it kills. From the perspective of the tiger though - she is just doing what she was born to do to survive. She doesn't feel guilt over her food.

The second thing I admire and respect about tigers is their independence. They don't pair up with other tigers and stay together forever. They are usually only co-dependent on their siblings as cubs. By this I don't mean that I don't respect co-dependency, I do see the value in it and I have been madly in love to the point where I would compromise my valuable time in their times of need. I see no flaw in being that way and believe a person who is worth that much to you should be cherished. But I respect the tigers ability to be alone because sometimes we are forced to be. And I value my own ability to walk away from a relationship or any other emotional investment when faced with a harsh reality.

Well now that you know me a little better maybe you'll join us today for the VOTU pocast to talk about the role of a witness ;) OH and I nominate @steveconnor and @steemitgraven29 to tell us 5 facts about them.

Join us on discord


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Well, if I don't get these comments written soon, Lord knows when I'll get around to it again. Soooo ... I loved your post. I think these "5 Facts about Me" entries are some of the most fascinating I've read. What a marvelous idea. It certainly can alter the picture I have in my mind about who is what ... and why. I wish you well in your quest to have your own plane ... bought with Bitcoin. I admire your audacity.

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future

Ok NOW I get the tiger reference LOL Awesome, totally personal post. Love it! Really? Tying rope knots with your feet? By the way, please buy a plane and not a chopper. If shyt goes sidewise at least you can glide in a plane and won't have to use your aerial skillz!! :P

What an awesome way to get to know you! I've always identified with tigers, and I admire your reasoning for the tattoo. Tigers aren't ashamed of who they are, they live as they do without regret or apology. Humans lives are much more complicated. lol!

I especially appreciate your point on feminism and the culture that has created such inequality between genders and races. Blaming doesn't get us anywhere, but opening our eyes to the patterns that society has perpetuated for so long helps us change them. I'd love to see you write a post for #womenspeakout, if you're so inspired. It's a new tag encouraging positive stories of women's empowerment. I think you'd contribute a valuable voice to the conversation.

You're awesome! Keep being you!

2 points we look like. I am also a feminist. I'm always too low body weight. What can I say about feminism? I believe that feminism is not in order to convince men that women also have equal rights. We need in particular to prove that all women want. First and foremost women. Which are themselves mired in the stereotypes of a Patriarchal world. Are not accustomed to respect themselves, to expose themselves as a sexual object. Accustomed to give the male opinion, to please men. So women just need to study the teachings of feminism. Well, low weight - I resigned and accepted myself for who I am. I love my slim legs!

I'm amazed at the tiger stripes.
They say a lot about inner strength, and that "F'em" attitude of Tigers. They do what they, because that's who they are. Without a thought for what others around them think.

Lions live in large prides. Bears often co-hab.
Panthers and Tigers are big cats, with attitude... and awesome-sauce.

¡wuao! me quito el sombrero, espero me perdones pero debo confesar que creí que eras una persona mucho mayor, todo por el como le he conocido, soy de Venezuela y estoy orgullosamente en la comunidad VO-TU de discord. el conocer a la reina es algo extraño pero luego de leer este agradable contenido me ha permitido sentir mucha alegría de sentir que nuestra líder VOTU, también es una princesa. dios me la bendiga, la guíe, la cuide, le de mas sabiduría y le brinde prosperidad. por mi parte le seguiré por siempre y apoyare siempre que me entere que pudiera necesitar de ese apoyo... un gran y fraterno abrazo amiga @beanz

I asked so many questions about steemit that were unclear to me and you answered gracefully. You were also curious and asked repeatedly, why I chatted you up. You probably thought I singled you out to bug you. I told you I chatted you up because, your username, beans is my favorite dish😋.
And you referred me to the group.
I also have serious weight loss and appetite issues, which makes me look younger than my old age😉.
Nice meeting you here.
P.S: you are beautiful just the way to are🤗
Oh my goodness. So I finally get to know you @beanz. I remember when I joined steemit last month and got on discord.♨️ I joined VOTU, found you in the group and radomly decided to chat you up, not knowing who you were. Regards @adedoyinwealth

Its good to know about you, dressing up like a pros will be a matter of bravery but if any college girl try it here in my country she won't get back her honor and people will force her to commit suicide for being bullied and this the true story here.

I'm sorry to read that :(

When I did it I think it was a social experiment to base a theory of how women are valued by society. I can imagine I would get a different reaction in different countries. Still, I think we should have to freedom to provoke thought and discussion of cultural issues and norms...

waiting for the day when we will experience a society with great mind, here still women suffer from several mental and physical abuse! dowry, sexual harrasment in working place common issue, most of the women can't raise their voice for several reason. I'm glad that you are not belongs to such society! 💜💜💜

hi there @beanz, nice to know 5 facts about a steemian whom i look up to, you know i can relate with 1 fact about uou , the no. 4, eversince i haven't experience being fat or having a boucing body hehe. now i have3 kids and i still look thesamethey say simcei am in high school, hehe may be it'sreally my body or maybe because of stress and fatigue as well, thanks for posting this , you're such an inspiration for newbie like me , can't wait to see your future posts 😊😍❤️❤️❤️

wow! thanks for noticing my comment dear @beanz, i really appreciate it, hope if you have time you can see some of my post, maybe you can give me tips or suggestions and even criticisms for me to improve , hehe, thank you sooo much, you are so kind ❤️❤️❤️

I really know more about you now. I had no idea... a pilot! That is wild. You are definitely a person I would hang out with if I lived in Ireland.

Keep on being you lady. You are an inspiration to a great many of us.

Good greetings from Venezuela, I was watching the post and this wonderful youth must be expressed without fear of society you have to be a person really as you want and you think it is, the world has created us free, unfortunately that freedom for many here in country is constrained by the economic situation that we traverse where the salary only reaches to buy 2 products from the basic basket, good but this does not come to the comment, I loved your post a thousand congratulations and be what one wants to be

Oh Pirates Queen, I think you must buy a Ship to sail, not an Airplane to flight haha :D

finally i can get to know you @beanz, i am curious about you, but you have explained about yourself and bonus about tiger, really amazing, i will often to VOTU to meet you.

I've always had a hard time maintaining a healthy weight. Some people will say "lucky you, take some of my fat"

This is me! But I eat a lot as in EAT big time but really not gaining much weight. But once I got sick, I look like malnourished because my weight drops easily. You all have pretty cool stuff. Flying .. Bang on!

@beanz . You should try out for cirque du soleil, seems you like all things extreme that's what I gathered from your post.

Speechless,Photography of different styles,It's like you only see these in the dreamworld,Every Photo has it's own charm and a secret message in it.
I am really amazed by exploring the nature in this way.
Superb collection.Thank you for sharing, so beautiful many of them,Your information is quite useful and beneficial.
best of luck

Quien diria que estarias disfrazada así, me gustaron los cuentos y al igual que tu no mantengo un peso saludable :(

Who'd a thunk it. Love flying those 152's. So strange that we didn't get on the subject of flying during our interview.

You are so strong! You are a great example of female strength. Many of us who know you know about that, but with this challenge we convince ourselves 200% more. Keep growing and keep to be an innate leader. Thanks for sharing. <3

Amazing, I really appreciate you share all this facts with us, I am pretty sure you're going to buy that airplane. It's very helpful and wonderful to find person like you in this kind of social media. You rock!

Quite interesting
You sound like an adventurous person
It's nice getting to know you

The popular girl @beanz, a pleasure to meet you and more to know things that for my point of view are very intimate, I thank you that you have written such a precise and interesting message of your life. A big hug from Venezuela Zulia State.

thanks for this awesome post..i love it all.. ^^ you look so pretty too.. ^^ and thats is true..

Upvoted for the beautiful lady.. @beanz

Awesome facts ..awesome personality..i actially wish i have gone that close to the pilots area as you have not to talk of even flying one..i will literally drown in happiness

Hello ~ LOL
We are friends in steemit.
I am interesting in your post and I want to share with the same

welcome to my voting group I hope to join in this votu so many thanks for supporting me, sel@beanz 💜💜💜

Thanks dear sharing this post..Waiting your next post..

Nicely Writing,,I once dressed up as a prostitute with a sign that said "For Rent" standing in the main lobby area of my university as part of a college assignment.

amazing :)

I like it,thanks for sharing :-)

You can buy a helicopter too! Oh! which's price is more?
I am gaining my weight at a constant rate even though I am taking food regularly. Clearly opposite of you.

U choosed tiger stipes, not the face of the tiger or full of 1 tiger tatoo, its look awesome.

Check them guns out!

Got you back for mentioning guns on my post last month :p


I like these kind of blogs where I find out a bit more about the people I interact with here. 😁

Which university is this? Classes and lecturers seem funny :) I wish i would done things like these back in my study days :)

Wow, thx for sharing this honest facts about you. starting following you and waiting for the next 5 ;-)

I love the picture @beanz first time seeing you...

Well, that was unexpected!

And to think that all those quirks helped make you a real personality on Steemit.

I don't know what country you're in, but the licensing regime for Canada is fairly strict. For anything above a hang-glider you need a license: that includes ultralights.

iirc, you don't need a special license to fly an ultralight in the United States.

Yeah I need a license here too. A private one for a personal plane and a commercial one if I want to go further. I think it's 40 hours of lessons to get the private one.

And how much flying time? If I recall correctly, Canada's licensing regime for private pilot also required flying time in addition to lesson time.

I've forgotten the details on that but will look it up again shortly

Hi @beanz,What a remarkable post, which makes me want to like to have perfect pontingan like you.

">I'm obsessed with flying and hope to buy myself an airplane with bitcoin CASH<"

Ha, what a beginner mistake! Prolly will not be enough even for a half of helicopter! Now if you would focus on Steem, then yes, airplane would be easy obtainable!

All in fun ;-)

The post is worth a read, thank has shared a very nice.

wow wow two thumbs up for you,

Sangat romantis macam artis

wow Its good to know about you @beanz seems you like all things extreme.

Exitos, alegrías y bendiciones @beanz 🌹

Love it! I can tell that you fear no challenge haha

nice and cool

This sounds like a really active life.
I wish I was more like you in the past.

The past doesn't count, the future does.

I wanna know about the first tattoo. :)

You should be so lucky ;)

(That's a clue)

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