I'm a private person to the point of reclusion, but @condra has thrown the gaunlet so I may as well respond.
#1 - I have an IQ between 50 and 200
This seems like a significant range, but it's directly and not inversely proportional to my intake of Captain Morgans Original Spiced Rum. My IQ is 200 when I have great ideas, and 50 when I try to act on them.
#2 - 70s Disco is my guilty pleasure
I play bass (well, used to play) and I'm not sure if that influenced my love of disco or if disco influenced me to choose the bass. Chicken and egg stuff, we may never know.
#3 - My Weapon of Choice
I prefer to play a 4 string bass, as I like the safety of having a low E string plus three spares in case the E breaks.
#4 - I was fat, grey and burdened with children BEFORE my love of photography kicked in
It's trendy to say you saw the beauty of life since before you could walk and your passion for photography stemmed from an innate desire to capture these moments forever.
Stop bullshitting yourself - you like new shiny black technology and photography is the cool kids way of buying new shiny black technology. Later on you'll convince yourself that you need newer, shinier, blacker technology.
#5 - I make the worlds greatest chips (french fries???)
Parboilchips till only just starting to crack, pat dry, pop into the fridge overnight to remove all moisture, deep fry in duck fat at 140C till just golden, remove, dry, into the fridge overnight again, refry at 180C till deeper golden. Spectacular. You're welcome. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. ARMADILLO.
#6 Bonus Fact
My work office is situated inside a black hole. This particular black hole was discovered in the mid 17th century and was named "Civil Engineering". It's peculiar in that your very soul gets caught into a irrestisible gravitational pull, and is slowly but surely sucked out of you. Indeed, I may have the knowledge to save you, your babies and your babies' babies from an earthquake, but due to this black hole, I absolutely could not be arsed.
To see a post just like this one, but with proper writing and what not, visit @condra 's stab at https://steemit.com/fivefacts/@condra/fuck-it-here-goes-five-facts-about-me .
Really eye-catching thumbnail graphic took me here.
still ... as above lol
That's me...in the middle ;)
Haha I love it!!!! ^.^