well everyday i keep thinking that universities are overvalued at least most of them in every possible aspect, it's only worth if you choose it in terms of learning something specific and even if that's the case a maste would be better than 4 years of studies ( if you wanna talk about this further let me know cause i can type a lot :P )
About ADHD i learned 1-2 years ago. i knew what it was in theory and i couldn't understand it but i met a guy in my university that had it. he was really trying and still does but unfortunately he is behind in classes and courses than most of our generation and i think for people like you and him the whole educational process must a bit different. i don't know how and if it's happening in other countries but something must be done especially for people who wanna learn and kept behind by it
i checked bitcoin when it was about 100$ i am still regretting haven't buy any :p but i am more than happy i found steem
haha i don't know milaionaireMatch seems kind of funny to me, in general i don't like dating sides, instead i try my luck and whatever happens (except if the girl is impolite then word war 2 is gonna happen) but i wish you to find what you are looking for and who knows maybe in the future we see her account here :P