5 Fun Facts about Me Challenge - TopKpop (Jenny)

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)

This sounds like fun...um sort of.

So, I am not sure where this all started, but I was nominated by @saffisara to do this 5 fun facts challenge thing and so here I am, finally doing it. This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be because, to be honest I am chatty, and I am like an open book and share a lot of my stuff with people I know, so it is a bit difficult to surprise them. So, let's begin.

1. I considered becoming an actress

If any of you have talked me over these last months, or even read some of my blog posts, you will know that I had initially wanted to go into musical dramatic arts in College. I love to sing (as you can clearly see from time to time) and I had always been on one stage or another doing something since I was fairly young, even though I was a bit self-conscious as I got older. Besides all of that, I gave that up due to a family members suggestions.

The funny thing is. At 25 (I am 34 now) I was working at a bank and my husband suggested to me to see what I wanted to do if I left the bank. So I ended up leaving. He enrolled me in an acting workshop where I went and performed a scene all by myself. It was wonderful and nerve-wracking at the same time. I even got some professional shots done so I could do my headshot with resume attached.




I even did a commercial with no lines. I was the bride who was so excited to go golfing that she showed up to the wedding in her golfing attire. I got paid and it ended up showing up on a resort website for a bit. After that fun I went to some auditions and realized that I really didn't want to end up just being a person that acted and said lines for someone else, it just didn't feel right. So, I decided it just wasn't for me.


2. I got an unconventional tattoo & I got it unexpectedly


This is a photo of what my tattoo looked like the day I got it. That butterfly was designed by the tattoo artist. There are 4 stars and a heart because I got this the day of my 5th year wedding anniversary. So, the funny story is that I had always kind of been against tattoos. Well, the day or our anniversary we were supposed to go kayaking for the first time and of course, we misjudged how long it would take to get where we had booked. It was about 2 hours away. So much for plans, because we just weren't going to make it as it was only an hour until our time. So, after of course a bit of disagreement we wanted to turn things around. We decided that for the rest of the day we would flip a coin and follow the answer to what the coin said. We started off small like "Should we go to a restaurant to eat?" Yes (Heads) or No (Tails). Then we got to something where we saw a tattoo place. So, we asked the coin. "Should we get a tattoo?" Yes or No. Well, wouldn't you know it? It landed on heads saying yes, we should get a tattoo.

Now, this wasn't any ordinary tattoo parlor. No, this was a shop who had a Thai monk who was doing tattoos. For those of you that do not know this method, it is not an electric needle that makes the tattoo, it is not something that bleeds or scabs over, or that needs to be covered for a while. This is a tattoo that has a needle between some sticks and it is tapped on the skin with ink to make the tattoo. Does it still hurt? Yes of course. But I walked in one day without a tattoo and walked out with this wonderful one. I have not gotten another since but may add more stars and a little butterfly (to represent my child) onto it one day, presuming I find another Thai monk around my area again.

3. I am quite handy

In my house, maybe because I have so much patience, and also I do enjoy it a bit, I am the one who either fixes or puts together most things.

When we moved into my house I put our Ikea tv stand together, by myself while everyone slept. It took me nearly 6 hours because I used a screwdriver the entire time so as not to wake anyone.

Last year, thankfully not this year, I put together a kids playhouse Christmas even so she would be surprised that Santa brought it to her. It was a pain to do and took me about 3 hours or so. I also assembled it in her room so if I ever have to get it out of there it will be a whole ordeal.

The year before that I put together a ride-on car the night before Christmas and that took me like 4 hours too.

I am the one if my house who has a knack for fixing things (like the printer), or hooking up televisions and game systems and such, or even soon to be installing a bidet toilet seat.

I have even refinished/repainted some items.


4. My father disowned me when I was 11

My mother and father had a pretty nasty separation and divorce. When my mom left one night she didn't take us. Instead, she came back the next day to get us and stuff went down. My dad got full custody of myself and my two younger sisters. Eventually, she got a little bit of part-time custody for a weekend here and there. Unfortunately, we moved around a bit and there came a time that I guess maybe I was being a tough 11-year-old, I don't really know, to be honest. I am not even sure what set him off, but I do know that I was told to either call my Mother to have her pick me up or that he was going to drop me off at child services. I called my mom, who wanted me anyways and was trying hard to get custody of us fully anyways, and she picked me up. The next weekend that he came to drop of my sisters for the weekend he informed me that he disowned me. He still had to pay his tiny share of child support to my Mom, but that was it. My grandparents on my father's side never tried to get in contact with me or even return my letter. I was essentially dead to them all. One by one each of my sisters made it into my mom's hands, with stories that were not so nice to follow. My mother did eventually re-marry after some not so great relationships, and she did that when I was about 17. Unfortunately, I really didn't need a father too much longer, but my sisters did, so that was good for them. I know some of my life choices have been influenced by all of it, but I also know I wouldn't be the person today if it didn't all happen.

5. I have had braces 3 times in my life

I had braces when I was 10, 22, and then again at about 25/26. At 10 I guess I was a little too young and at the time the orthodontist or my parents just were not that "on top of things" as they went a big crooked again. At 22 I had them and it led to some oral surgery in order to fix an alignment issue. I did have my jaw broken and some pins put in and then had it wired shut for about 6 weeks. I had to have liquids only for all that time. The braces came off about 6 months after that or so. After about maybe not even two years I felt like they just weren't as perfectly aligned as I wanted them to be so I got braces put back on again. I had them for about another 13 months. I wear Invisalign retainers nearly nightly just to keep them straight, but I am okay with it. Honestly, it beats the headset things you used to have to wear back when I was 10. I am happy with all the braces I did because I wanted my teeth nice and straight and now they are.

There ya go! 5 things about me most of you probably did not know.

Hope you enjoyed all that. I do not know exactly how this was supposed to go but I did notice that @saffisara nominated 3 people so I will do the same. I will nominate @dswigle @thekittygirl and @d-vine .

Thanks for reading if you read this far.

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this is such an interesting post and I knew you were a wonderful caring person but this post lets us know you so much more and I treasure knowing you on here and counting you as a good friend

PS thanks for not tagging me LOL

I am not going to say I didn't think about it, but I figured I would give you a break this time around. However, I cannot guarantee someone won't lol. Awwww, I treasure knowing you as well and having you as my friend :) I was really unsure about 5 things to share as I do tend to be open but yeah most of these felt like extra ways to get to know me :)

Lol 😂 well thanks so far I am safe

I have no idea what 5 things I would share would have to be from when I was younger nothing much share worthy fir me these days lol

Thanks for your honest, open heart post. It is great when someone can talk so open and tell about such difficult matters even from the past, my great respect. It was nice to know you better, I think if you write a book, it would be really bestseller! I love so much your bride-golfing outfit. I would never come to such idea but that is great. Your photographs are awesome! It looks like you don't give up easy and reach your aims, that is one of the best but rare feature of people's character. And again thanks for such honest post, was nice to learn you better.

Oh wow! A best seller huh? I do have a ton of stories to be honest, some I am even only now discovering. I do try and have as open of a heart as possible, the good thing is the stories about difficult matters, at least the ones I am aware of I have had time to heal from. Thank you so much for all of the compliments, they really touched my heart :)

Wow, this is really nice @topkpop. I thought you were joking earlier at the discord group when you said you were going to write on the #fivefacts.
You are awesome. The challenges you passed through made you a stronger woman, and a very caring and compaasionate mother too. I am glad I found you. Stay nice always.😀

Haha, no I definitely was not joking. I got nominated..and reminded by a few haha. Nice to have come across you as well, trust me if I have stayed nice through all the stuff in my life then I definitely won't change now :)

I know you had a hard time writing this, but as always you pull it off brilliantly 😉
This was really good writing and I knew most but I had no idea about the acting part, really fun and I had that dream myself at a time.. and those pictures of you are amazing darling. So beautiful!
Cool to se the results to about the furniture that you restored, really beautiful.
I think who ever came up with this idea was on to something cause it is a great way to know a little about each other.
Well written 🤗😘💕💕

Aww, thank you darling! It was tough knowing that you would be reading it as I tell you so much, but I am glad there was still something in there you didn't know. I love those pictures and am so happy that I ended up getting them done. I do love this idea too, it really allows people to view into the people we are just a little bit more.

Yay, jenny i really like your eyes 😍

Thank you sweetie! :)

you defo look like an actress yo!

I love the way you phrased that lol. And thank you, was a bit of time ago but I do love those pics.

Now I can see why you spent all this time writing it!
you really made it perfect 😊
you have an amazing personnality that makes me proud I got to be your friend
So yes, thanks to all these fact you became the awesom person you are today !

Awww, thank you! Yes, you can definitely see why it was taking me so long. All the hurdles, triumphs, falls, scrapes, tears, hugs, and such make me who I am today for sure. :)

Wow, thanks for sharing. I can't imagine what it was like to have your jaw broken and your mouth wired shut for 6 weeks. I thought it was bad enough for my teeth the hurt after they made some big adjustments and I didn't want to eat anything hard. Sorry to hear about your dad, but glad I've gotten to know you a little better! Awesome tattoo!

Haha, let's just say it was a little um difficult at times. A turkey baster filled with cooled down soup was a great meal, and I pretty much survived on like protein shakes thankfully. The dad thing is in the past, I have had quite a long time to deal with it, but thank you for those lovely sentiments :) Kind words.

I loved the golf bride! This whole 5 facts thing is great! You get to know each other alot more personally (as much as u can ...)
Ur definately a handy woman @topkpop for building the furniture and refurbishing!
Sorry u had to go through a few rough times but im sure those challenges made u a much stronger woman today. Thanks for sharing with us.
Nice to know u a bit more, luv it! 🤗💃🕺
B.t.w- you have beautiful pics!!

Oh, my that golf bride! It was hilarious because I never got a picture of my "husband" for the shoot, I don't know why haha, but he was like in a full suit, just the women were in golfing attire. It was a really cute idea. Indeed the challenges, all of them I have faced over my lifetime so far have made me the woman I am today. I do love this challenge, it is a really unique way to learn about people. I love the pics too so thank you :)

It is nice to put a face and a story with the name. Thank you for all that you do! Sweet lady.

Your welcome :) Thanks for your sweet comment.

Wow @topkpop! Thank you for sharing! You really do like a star actress above, I think you've got really good at improve since starring as the host of your very own talk show! ;)

Yes, I definitely have gotten more comfortable in front of people and a camera again. I am sure I could've become one if I really wanted to, but enough stuff drove me away from it. Now yes, I am doing my own thing :)

Writing your own scripts baby! Who Da Produca NEEOW?

Aaaaand I now love you more. You're amazing, @topkpop, for how strong you are, for your spunky spirit, your adventurous nature, and for how much you care. Big ((hugs)) from Canada. :)

Oooh I like that! Spunky spirit, interesting choice of words. I guess I could be spunky lol. Thank you so much for the compliments and the caring you share with me. Big hugs back from Florida :)

Nice post about you, now I feel like I know you already

That is wonderful :) That means this whole challenge worked a bit then.

Some interesting bits there. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for reading :)

Shared some of the same waves in different boats eh.

It is interesting when that happens isnt it?

Thought this post was pretty splendiferous
so it has been included in
the latest issue of 'Notes'.
Pop over and see what the fam is up to!

Can I just take a second to say that your eyes are stunning color of blue. :D

It's pretty neat that you landed a commercial. I use to be handy but Hubby likes things done his way so I let him do it. :P

I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I had a not so great dad too. It was their loss though and it sounds to me like you already knew that.

Thank you, sweet of you to say :) Yes I was excited about the commercial for sure. I definitely knew it was his loss, knew that probably earlier than I should've I suppose. Sorry to hear about yours too.

Thanks for sharing 5 interesting facets of your life, was great getting to know you better... multi-talented rock-star with the power of skies in her eyes!!

Well, that is an adorable sentence :) Love it. Thanks so much for the awesome comment, it made me smile.

Haha thanks, glad i could make you smile :)

This is an interesting read. What a funny story about you and your tattoo haha. How impulsive. I love fixing items as well. I call myself a ti ker Co i juat live handling those little things and trying to fix broken items at home. I even jmhave a box of different types of tape to make sure I fux the item well.

Great to get to know you better through this. Excellent initiative by @saffisara

haha, yes my tattoo is one of my funny stories, have a few more too, but that one will do for now :)I love that you are a tinker person.

I love posts like this! It's so cool to find out little tidbits about someone that maybe even their friends don't know (not because it's a secret, just that it never comes up in conversation). You look like a natural in front of the camera, that tattoo is gorgeous, amazing project results, sorry you had such a rough experience with your dad, and yikes - hope you're done with braces now. Great stuff, @topkpop!

Yes, I would certainly say I am done with braces now, had them enough in my life I think. Yes, I absolutely love initiatives that ask for tidbits like this, and you are right they don't come up in conversation at all, I don't think any of my "friends" in life know most of these things cause we don't get all that deep I suppose which is why they are "friends" and not necessarily friends. I had a ton of fun with those pictures and so Glad that I got them done and have them, they will always be a wonderful memory :)

Wow, @topkpop, that was brilliant and bold. I appreciate your open sharing. You are a strong and clearly bright woman with fantastic blue eyes. :)

Awww, thank you! It took me a while to think about what I wanted to share. I felt pretty good about the outcome when it all came out :)

The word 'cathartic' comes to mind. I love that word and the value it brings to our souls, to the sharer and to the witnesses. Blessings all around.

One more thing, you're also very beautiful.

Awww, well thank you :)

I love your tattoo

Thank you :) Hopefully, one day I can add a few little new things to it.

Braces 3 times??? I had them once, full silver caps that went entirely around my teeth. My teeth weren't very crooked, the crude 1988 design had screws in it where every few weeks, I would go in and they would tighten them. You see, I had a bad underbite and was like a bulldog with my canines touching my lips. But 3 times? Sheesh. You look fly as F--- in that blue dress too hey, really brings out those big blue eyes.

Lol.Nelly 20151021_080605.jpg

Oh wow! Okay well, that sounds painful as crap. Yes, 3 times. The 3rd time was totally optional and me being kind of a perfectionist in a way, but I hadn't gone through those 2 other times and the surgery to not end up with perfect teeth (or as perfect as I can get them) so on they went again. And thank you for the "fly" compliment :)

This is a cool contest! Thank you for being open and vulnerable w u to share pieces of you! You remind me of my cousin she is also a fixer upper and can refurbish bad ass stuff! My father was never consistent either... sometimes i wonder who i would be if he was present. My mother and the women in my family raised us and they showed us strength courage and perseverance. As for tattoos... I’m covered, tastefully. It was great to get to know you :3

Thank you :) Yes it is indeed a really cool challenge. For some reason I am one of those people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and that opens me up to being vulnerable yes, but, I can't live any other way. It is always interesting when we play the what ifs, sorry to hear yours wasn't consistent, however you seem already like a wonderful person (so he missed out) even just by how you phrased your comment and what you shared :)

You are beautiful! Your eyes <3 In my house, it is also me who fixes most things. xD I love to recycle and paint everything!!! :P It's good to know each other, thanks for sharing. I loved the tattoo story, proves once again that we can always change our mind.

Awww, well thank you :) Such a nice compliment. I love that you are also a handy woman :) You are right, I was always stuck to the fact that I never wanted ink on my body, never wanted to change it in that way, yet now I cannot fathom not having those symbols and what they represent for me.

/hugs- You are so awesome! You look very lovely as an actress/model. I love the tennis bride outfit! Your smile is contagious. :)Your tattoo is pretty. I love the meaning. Let us know if you add the stars and butterfly.

OH, my gosh your compliments are going to make me blush! I will definitely let you know if I ever find a tattoo artist that does it that way and get the additions added :)

Great post! Thanks for putting yourself out there like that. That wouldn't be an easy thing to do. I'm sorry to hear about your father and I know the feeling. I can only learn from my nurturers and this case and try to be the best dang Dad I can be-forever.

Much love!

I love that! Be the best dang dad, yes, fathers are so important and I love that you are committed to doing that. Thank you for your lovely comment and uplifting statement :)

I enjoyed reading all the facts about you. I also dreamed of being an actor. But, I really dont have the self confidence before.

Ahh, a fellow dreamer! It is interesting how our dreams change. It is funny because when I was in kindergarten I never would've say actress, I actually said Singer. I was regarded like I was crazy, but it never fully went away. Perhaps acting never will for you at least in one way or the other. Self confidence can always improve and I am sure it has in some ways :) Love your comment.

You are absolutely right! Self confidence can be improved. Best regards to you!

I really enjoyed reading these five facts about you @topkpop! I do part-time modeling (well used to because I haven’t done so in awhile after having my fourth child). I have only been extras in commercials, never got a principle role. I started getting frustrated taking hours to get ready for an audition just for me NOT to get the job. My cousin, whom also models, once told me you will get 100 No’s before you get a Yes. It was just very discouraging for me. I still get contacted by my agent but I turn down most auditions now. Anyhoo I love your professional shots, you are beautiful ~

It saddened me when I read the fact about you being disowned by your father. I am so sorry you went through that . But I agree what you said. Everything we experienced growing up helped shaped us into who we are today :) Thanks for sharing these things with us, I feel like I got to know you a little better. 💕

What a wonderful and genuine comment! I love that you have experience in the industry, it definitely can be discouraging. It can be so good yet so destroying. It all comes down to the actual people doing it and I love that at least you have some modeling and parts in things where you can still say that you have done that. Plus, obviously now your kids are your world so sometimes things yes, become a little less important outside of that. Yes, I hated to throw in that sad part, but, it is something that made me part of who I am. It is something that is helping me even know figure out some parts of me that I was not aware of and thus making me a better and complete person, mother, friend, etc. Thank you for all your sentiments, you can learn a lot by how kind and real a person is just by their comment :)

That is so true, good but yet destroying. Yes after having kids my interest in it changed quite a bit and I started auditioning less and less.

It’s wonderful to hear that your experiences are making you a better person. 😊 It was my pleasure~

Wow these were 5 really interesting things I didn't know (I guess that's the point of these things) but sometimes you just gloss over someone's "5 things" and go "Hmm that's nice" but I feel like yours were a mix of truths such as your upbringing as a child, your potential career, your home life and even medical history with your jaw being wired shut (this does not sound like fun :().

Thank you for the honesty and it's really nice to know more about you as one of our fearless #alpha leaders :)

Hi @topkpop! I've seen you on the SteemUSA discord, but it's great to follow you now and learn so much about you from the get go! Wow, braces 3 times...my sympathies. But, I'm glad you've got fabulous teeth now! You certainly put in the work. I'm so sorry to hear about the joy of knowing you your Father missed out on by the unwise choices he made. Very nice handiwork on the furniture!