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RE: No one can solve the problem

in #flag8 years ago

It is pretty amusing, isn't it?

However, most of the time, the people who can change the code back to where we had some built-in abuse mitigation are the ones denying that the code even had any abuse mitigation...or that it worked. Somehow, the recent flood of abuses just materialized out of thin air for no particular reason at all.

It's effin' mind-boggling, I tell ya'! What even are the problems around here? I don't think anyone knows. It's a mystery!


We just can't figure out a single thing to do about it, so... Let's post and discuss it (not handle it) Earning more by being just the "right" amount of concerned... Yet, let's not take any action.

It is like US Politics. Fingers pointing everywhere concerned faces... I just wish I could fix this. (you can)

Sounds pretty accurate.