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RE: The Flag, The Down Vote... my semi-frequent update to this idea... hopefully those in favor of the downvote read it

in #flag8 years ago

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I wouldn't down vote anybody for any reason really. Just move on.
However, one thing about downvoting I never though about was explained by @bitcoindoom in a good post called, Why Down Votes and Flags are an Unavoidable consequence of Game Theory
It was a good read as was this post. Still, I don't downvote. It's such a downer.


Yeah I read that and in the comments there @dantheman asked me if I would write a follow up post as to whether it changed my mind or not. I then added an edit as the very last line in this post to link to that. This is closer to my current perspective. Thank you for the comment.

Yeah... I responded to the @bitcoindoom post... see the last line of this article. I edited it and added a link to the more current post of mine on this topic.