I like it the way it is,....do we really want people that go into rages?
Is forceful domination the habit we wish to encourage?
I don't know about you, but I'm here to minimize those folks' impact on the world at large,...
Better, I think, to remind people that the only way post rewards become 'out of control' is if large stakeholders decree it so.
IF I read ontofractal's numbers correctly a $200 dollar post takes between 8 and 11 percent of the pool.
After the large stakeholders vote up a couple of those a day it's no wonder that the small fry have seen their rewards plummet.
Without redistribution schemes on the scale of the original steemsports it is likely to stay this way.
And that is not all bad, you can simply put your money where your mouth is and buy some steem?
Personally, I'm waiting, I figure once steemlocal goes live I can convince people to give me cash for steem, if only to trade it for bitcoin to buy stuff at amazon.
I'm still looking for some steem stickers in peerhub,....
Whether we like it or not, people are going to use the 'flag' to downvote things due to rewards distribution. While this change might make this behavior more 'acceptable', making the change or not making the change will not change the fact that people will 'downvote' for that reason anyway.