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RE: Mass Flaggot Post!

in #flaggot8 years ago (edited)

Keep going and bragging about all this. I love it.
You start posts out saying people say your like jesus and you say stuff like

"So i guess I am proud of myself. Also, lets face it, im generally awesome."

So keep it up proving my point more and more. or maybe run back and edit it all. lol
fuck your steem power, it means nothing to me. I find it pathetic you even bragg about it like I should tremble in fear from it.

i don't think either one of you should be able to tell people how to vote.

So it is a vote, not a flag used for copypasta or child porn or tag abuse only and we can use it in subjective ways? Are you saying it is ok for everyone to flagg you for subjective reasons?
Please say yes as I have never had some one give me permission on the block chain to have open session on there posts with flags let alone telling all of steemit to go crazy with flags on your posts over subjective "reasons". I would be in awe if that is what you are advocating for.
I doubt it though as im sure you know as well as I do that you dontwant people flagging you over subjective reasons.
or maybe you do, fucked if I know anymore with the shit I have seen on steemit. im not talking about porn either.