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RE: Mass Flaggot Post!

in #flaggot8 years ago (edited)

Flagging is not censorship, you horny white-knighting American boy. Honestly, you're acting like a leftist. Nothing's stopping you from clicking "show post" if someone with a large amount of Steem Power manages to hide a post using the flag feature. Why so serious, buddy? It almost seems like you have some kind of fetish for porn stars in distress. I would not consider that healthy.

Watching porn is equivalent to walking the streets noticing a bunch of people hitting it off in a car. You proceed by getting lube and starting jerking off to the sight, eventually cumming. That's some sick shit, man. It now so has it that technology has allowed us to do just this without actually being on location as other people fuck each other and you wanking to it, but does that make it that much different? I wouldn't say it does.

Again, there's nothing I can do to censor porn on Steemit; there's nothing anyone can do, so why are you so mad, bro? My flags didn't censor anything, and flagging doesn't censor anything at all, but simply shows other people what you think about said material. Isn't that what you want? Is that not included in your definition of free speech, skeptic? Don't you want to know what people of your community thinks about things that are posted here? I'm getting a feeling it's more you going after flaggers than it is flaggers going after content they don't like, which is an action which is perfectly within their Steemit privileges. Damn you're angry! I wasn't even angry when I flagged her post, but simply extremely disgusted very and opinionated in a way that made me express that opinion and feeling of disgust in the form of a nice little flag.

I consider watching porn highly unhealthy; a disorder. Why would anyone would watch porn is beyond my reality.

Here's an in-depth video about the poisonous habit of watching porn:

(There's a tonne of material regarding the toxic habit of watching porn, let alone why porn stars are porn stars, but that's for you to research, assuming you're not going to ignore it, which you probably will, sense you speak from bias.)

People have used the "moral argument" when I've commented on posts, saying that "there's absolutely nothing immoral about what she's doing!". Well, I've never stated it was. YOU'RE the ones typing the word; not me. You've also stated the act is "perfectly consensual". Again, I've never said it's non-consensual; YOU'RE the ones using the term. Yes, I'm talking about you, @cryptofiend. This goes to show you're obviously using the terms simply to disguise and outright avoid discussing the topic, which is very irresponsible. That doesn't seem that healthy to me. Do you think we should rule out conversation about the habits of alcoholics by pointing out it's consensual and non-immoral, and that's that? Come on! You guys are an intelligent bunch. Just because something's legal does NOT make it right or healthy (It's a cliche phrase, yes, but it's also cliche to get worked up by people that dislike porn). I thought this was an anarchic platform. Apparently the anarchy stops where your personal biases begin.

All porn stars are in the profession due to to unprocessed childhood trauma. No healthy human being would do porn by choice. They say it's a choice, and then they attack you, should you debate the claim. Take out the trauma of their pasts and they would never dream about entering the porn scene, believe me. The girl Alexa became a single mom at 18, for God's sake. There's no doubt in my mind her childhood is filled with thick, destructive parental abuse, so come on people. Enabling this woman maybe isn't what you want to be doing, right? I get that you don't give a flying fuck about her (otherwise you wouldn't be using her for your own, sick fetishes), but if you care about the child involved, at least do right by him/her. How would you like it if your single-parent was a porn star and then have a bunch of wackos delightfully shouting "Woo-hoo!"?

Analogy: An individual is abused throughout their entire childhood, and their unprocessed trauma causes them to get into heroin. Now, for this analogy to work, she needs to get paid for her heroin addiction, so now she does heroin for a living as an adult and gets paid for it to do it on film. Completely consensual, non-immoral.

Would you condone this behavior? Would glamorize it? What makes fucking for money so goddamned different from any other addiction? You normalize it, glamorize it and even encourage it. This woman is a mother! She has a child which now has to grow up having a porn star as a mother with people on the Internet yelling "You go girl!". Shame on you all!

Porn is something that it so ingrained and praised amidst broken people. In society, most of that which is a result of past trauma is usually held up as good, and that's so they can use it as a coping mechanism to avoid processing the fact that you've actually been wronged and now need to deal with everyone in your past, everyone enabling your current behaviors in the present, and change your ways completely (which is painful, yes. But so what) so that you can have a brighter future.

But no, you just have to enable hurt people, don't you? You don't care about giving people an honest analysis about themselves which could actually lead to them actually making a change, do you? You just have to go after anyone that's actually interested in ending the never-ending abuse in this world by speaking the truth regarding the result of evils and wrongdoers, do you?

Instead of taking the critique seriously, you write a post to try to shame the people that actually want to serve as a wake-up call to people like the porn workers we're talking about, that are all self-medicating using whatever means they have (sex) and who will probably eventually self-destruct anyway as a direct result of you guys continuing to enable them and telling them they should continue doing what they're doing, right?

It's sickening, man. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're only making this already-degenerating society even worse.

You're the faggot.


I am not a fan of porn either, and I question the healthiness of it. So, using your alcohol analogy, should I flag all posts which contain alcohol, smoking, gamers, ...................

You lost me at 100% suffered trauma, and ALL use drugs. You could have had an interesting perspective if you hadn't been so absolute, judgmental, and completely non-factual.

wow, Ok, Ima make a post for my response, might take a bit because of how long your ignorance runs in this comment. When the post is done I will post you a link so you can make your rebuttle If you choose to do so.
Cheers flaggot.

Here you go, just posted it. I look foward to your response.