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RE: Steembay (a bot) under attack by a wannabe AI

in #flags7 years ago

Anything done dogmatically is prone to massive error. Determining right and wrong however is not in itself problematic, only when done dogmatically, or without reference to reality and one's ever changing grasp of it.

We will not whitelist any account. You are contending that the means (self voting) are justifying the ends (supporting your project). Wouldn't everyone love to support their project this way? Why should yours in particular be viewed differently from any other account, any other project?

The main point of an AI is not to learn, it is to automate tasks. Perhaps you buy into the grander hype of AI and the coming robopocalypse, but sadkitten is what is technically termed narrow or weak AI. The problem domain is very small.

I only said that English is probably not @transisto 's first language to broaden consideration of the word "ideology" which is a trigger for you. Again, he can explain the usage himself, but again, I disagree with it.

How you fund your operations is your business. If you self vote optimally sadkitten will be interested in you. It is our view that Steem is not a piggy bank for entrepreneurs. If you do that we won't and can't stop you, no one can. But we can choose to vote against you.

As I personally am not dogmatically minded though I engage with people such as we are doing now and I'm genuinely open to the debate around it. The project has changed several times based on these debates, and I have gained a lot from that too. However you're not putting anything forward here which convinces me to change my mind.


I thought about this for months... and I prepared an answer that was VERY long. Probably noone would read it nor understand it.

So for the moment we probably really have to agree to disagree, as I strongly oppose the path you choose. And only the LAST reason I say this would be that I am actually a "victim" of it.

I would be happy to read and I am sure I would understand it. But that is your call.

Yes, I think your goals are counter to ours, that is just the way it is. It's clear it would be the case that a self voting operation would be at odds with a self voting countering operation.
