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RE: Flagship Daily Status Report - June 16, 2018 250% Return Upvotes & Current Queue

in #flagship7 years ago

Good morning, first of all thank you very much for your excellent work as curators and for the service and help you provide for the new ones! I would like to report that I returned a refund to my wallet since the time of my posts was over and they could not receive payment, nevertheless I understood that their new system was that instead of curing the expired posts, they would revise the new ones that could still be receive payment, it is a bit sad to lose my place in the list and wait a few days, could I transfer again and take me into account to cure me? Thank you for your time I will be doing the transfer in the same way and hoping that you can take into account what happened, excellent service!


Hi. Thanks for submitting. Sorry we couldn't get to your posts before the earnings expired. I think to be fair I need to keep to the rules I have set for how I vote. If I make an exception for you then I need to make an exception for everyone. I don't have the capacity to keep track of that. Sorry.

dont worry thanks for your time and the excellent service they are providing us! have a great week =)