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RE: Flash Back Friday Gone And Mostly Forgotten

in #flashbackfriday6 years ago

Excellent @headchange! This is such a fun challenge. I'm glad I saw your post. While I'm sure a lot of today's modern gadgets will be outdated in time to come. There's certain things that I don't think will ever get old. Like a good old fashioned cup of coffee with company! And yes, I do tie my shoe laces but I guess as a homesteader we are still a little out dated. Sorry for the late comment our internet crashed because of amazing rain! And then I've had my hands full with the first baby goat of the season. I named her Rain


Oh the baby is here? That is much more exciting than any old thing forgotten. I will be around to see because I just know there will be pics coming. And rain a huge abundance of blessing all in one go. Hope this means a turn around.

You bet! Only the first little girl goatie but the others will be close on her heels.