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RE: Flash Fiction Freewriter: 10 Seconds - "T Minus 10" (493 words)

in #flashfiction3 years ago

Isn't that wild? Third year! It has blown by, although not for her. You look at it as no rest for the weary, but, ten dollars says she is over the moon about it.

This is really setting her up for the bright future she has! I know you have got to be proud of her!!!

Oh, yes. Still floating. It worked out well for me as I sold and bought again, so very soon I will be an Orca. Who knew that I would ever be excited about being compared to a sea elephant? Right?

So glad you slid by! Always good to see you.


On the one hand, Katie's very happy ... 3/4 of the way through her Bachelors! 😁 She's noticeably less enthused when contemplating the time remaining for the completion of her PhD. 😪 Biochemisty & Neurology double major ... tough courses. Incidently, she has determined that the knuckledraggers (men) can have physics.

Her boyfriend is majoring in aerospace engineering and hence is part of the rocket club. Well, guess who else is interested in Faster-Than-Light travel and light sabers? So, I will be staying with them for a week during which time I will have guest-access to the rocket shop! I intend to shake up the young ones' development schedules ... I'm not getting any younger.
