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RE: My path to the Flat Earth

in #flat7 years ago

Thank you for the reply. I did preliminary research on the Michelson-Morley experiment. It does not prove that the earth is flat.
It was an important experiment because it showed that there was no luminiferous aether. I don't see how this be generalized to having a flat earth.

I don't know why they would go east to west however the more logical conclusion would be for fuel since Antarctica is not inhabited. Also the rock idea was not that good because you can probably use dimensional analysis and arrive at 10k. 537 is low number because it is expensive to send people up there.

As for gravity yes it would not work. That does not mean that the earth is flat either. We do not understand gravity there is ongoing research on that. We can prove that is here though and in the planets we have orbited around. Once spaceX takes people to the moon/space we will not be having this discussion.


They denied the existence of an aether because, if they didn't, it proves the earth does not spin & we can't have that. So instead of admitting this fact they simply removed the proof of it , also, don't hold your breath waiting on Elon Musk.

Musk is well-known for his unrealistic space cruises — in 2011, he promised to put people in space in just three years. Meanwhile, the Falcon Heavy’s launch was originally slated for 2013, then it was moved to 2014 but has again been repeatedly pushed back until "next year".
Just watch and see.

I wish I was wrong, it broke my heart when my blinders came off & I strayed from the herd

What's the benefit of telling people that the earth is flat? What needs to happen for you to see that the earth is a sphere. Who's they? I've done research (not physics research) and there is no motivation to lie to people. Remember that the people doing the research are usually normal people who passed a lot of classes. A lot of thing would not make any sense under the flat earth model. Satellites would not work, the seasons, night and day... etc.

"Passing a lot of classes" to me only means indoctrinated completely. No motivation to lie to people here is one scenerio.
I personally believe there is more land beyond tens or even hundreds of thousands of miles of vast ice plains, until you come upon another localized sun that melts the ice enough to expose more land, and moreland = more resourses which means mass migration leaving the very elite rich to actually fend for themselves and no one to control, but then again.... what do I know.