I've only read your first sentence, and I can already tell that you don't know what you're talking about. Ancient Greeks figured out that Earth was flat in the 3rd century B.C.E., so the globe model has been around for way longer than that. Copernicus wasn't the first person to proposed the heliocentric theory, and even if Jesuits were a notorious religious group, that doesn't mean we get to reject whatever scientific discoveries or theories they made.
Higher altitudes via cameras attached to balloons is not the only to "really " measure any curvature. Ships shouldn't be able to disappear under the horizon if the Earth was really flat, even if atmospheric refraction was to be taken into account. There IS a measurable curve; the problem here is that you're ignoring how big the Earth actually is.
Yes, we do. We don't need information from others to base our statements; we can simply take a look outside and observe reality. Rob Skiba is a pilot, not a scientist, so why are you using his experiments as a scientific basis for your agnostic position?
But the Sun is millions of meters (the Imperial system is really flawed), and this very page explains why the Sun would be displaying lights at those angles. If you didn't spend much time looking into this, why did you decide to post before doing your research? You're question NASA's legitimacy and alluding to them being fakery by videos you haven't posted to support your claim. That doesn't make sense. While questioning NASA is understandable, don't assume that it's just a "fake" organization without posting why it is. Shooting a laser across across kilometers through a body of water is a stupid experiment. It has never proven anything, and it never will. We're talking about a planet with a radius of 6,356km and a gradual curve. Without schools and universities to help educate the people, there wouldn't be critical or free thinkers to begin with. Stop posting such idiotic drivel. Just because you choose to ignore what you were academically taught in educational faculties doesn't make you a thinker in any sense.
Hopefully, within over these past two years, you have had enough sense not to reject what you learned in school, because schools are for educating you, not making you a mindless "drone", fed off of false information, as Flat Earth proponents are.
I just read the first sentence of your response and I can already tell that you're a complete asshole who doesn't deserve for me to even bother reading the rest of your response. Thanks, but no thanks.