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RE: Flight Times Debunk the Flat Earth Hypothesis

in #flatearth7 years ago

intellectually dishonest?? maybe you are intellectually lazy? what about put all thats concepts on the table? you have a steemit acount to support the official model, the same all we learned in school, you are promoting the same data that is provide to us by mass media, and i am the dishonest.?? you keep insulting me, it's only make you looks worst, with angry and negative ways of thinking, chill out bro, we are all brothers in this earth, we just want to know the truth..
I can't show you any picture of the shape of earth, becouse nobady can go out to do it, i can say that all thats images from space are cleary fake, and that is a good point to start to think about.
Earth is not a ball


Your post just said nothing at all except a diatribe of logical fallacies, repeating YouTube video nonsense, psychological deceit, and unsupported statements that are just plain wrong and easy to debunk, just like all flat earthers.

Flat earthers have no map, no model, and will not discuss the literally dozens of impossibilities in their model, except to deny them then declare victory.

Flat earthers say they want 'real science', but they do not even have a model that they could have come to the conclusion that their model is even possible. You seem to believe that no model that overcomes the dozens of impossibilities inherent in your model is necessary. But that is an unscientific nonsense.

It states that you have boiled down all of the possibilities of earth shapes into two, and if you provide enough incredulity of the 'other' model, then yours 'wins' by default. No scientific method or proof needed!

Wuhoo! If only everything worked that way, we could have whatever 'science' we want, so long as we are charismatic enough to convince people our nonsense is real!

It does not work that way. That is intellectual laziness. it's unscientific mumbo jumbo and why no one takes any of you seriously. It says you NEVER have to prove anything. YOu think there is a conspiracy against you, that scientists want to shut you up. But you are a laughing stock because ANYONE who has looked into this with any amount of critical thinking skills can see that your model has been falsified and debunked over and over, literally since prior to the ridiculous Bedford Level experiment that Rowbotham lost.

To reject a model that you claim is impossible only to adopt one that you didn't bother to take two minutes to look into is lazy, dishonest, and is an example of the dumbing down of the world. You have zero understanding of science, despite professing you do, and the dishonesty and denial in this group of cultists is astouding!

Until you can show me the model that you AGONIZED over for years in order to ensure that the new model you adopted did not have the same impossibilities you claim the globe model has, then I consider you utterly and completely irrational and unscientific.

So, until such a time that you have a proven model we can all study and MARVEL over that it overturned a 1000 years of scientific inquiry that we all missed, please take your unscientific logical fallacies and invented myths elsewhere, it is not wanted here.

Since you have overturned 1000 years of science just by watching a YouTube video and shining a laser across a lake in the same falsified experiment that lost Rowbotham his bet over 100 years ago, why don't you go petition for your Nobel Prize instead of putting spam comments to promote your cult on people's works on Steemit. You are a ridiculous laughing stock with an impossible model that only a mental midget would adopt.