I fought against the flat Earth theory tooth and nail for a long time!! It was a preposterous idea, a waste of time, and only and idiot would believe that. I mean, come on now, we were all taught the truth when we were little right?.. walking into kindergarten with the big blue globe in the room's corner, followed by 'In 1942, columbus sailed the ocean blue'.. but taught this by whom? The more I began to investigate so many facets of our crumbling society I found flat Earth. This was after a deep analysis of the history of civil governance, religion, science, human history, megalithic structures on the planet that aligns with the precession of the equinox to the stars themselves and ultimately reality.. I am an anti-religious anarchist truth seeker freedom fighter hacker artist.. This system is of debt slavery. The Earth is Flat. Study, and prove yourself wrong. Remember, they taught you who to be, remember who you were before the world told you what to be. Cult(ure) is not your friend. Digest Yourself.
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