A Look at Reality: Distance of the Sun Moon and Stars

in #flatearth6 years ago

In this video, we take a look at the purported distance (as given to us by the 'scientific' community) of the sun, moon, and stars; and show the absolute absurdity of their claims using simple math.

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LOL. Isn't science fascinating? Wherever you look, history, medicine, astronomy, archeology, brilliant people who know everything. We all are just to stupid to comprehend their wisdom. What would we do without them? Guess the same situation as without politicians...

Its always fun to watch a flat earther trying to do math.

even more interesting watching a schill work.

keep up the character assassinations. your doing great.

read two of your comments and neither said anything at all! amazing.

There is no point in arguing with conspiratards, they lack intellectual integrity. I just point out their bullshit when the mood strikes me.

then why are you here? your position is well understood, you are a talking parrot of the MSM narrative.

they lack intellectual integrity.

dear sir, that is what you lack. you ignore the suez canal as if it was nothing that it is flat for over 100 miles.

I just point out their bullshit when the mood strikes me.

you just do character assassinations when you can't debate it.

I am not parroting any narrative. You are, lol.

The suez canal isn't flat. It follows the curve of the earth like any other large body of water.

The flat earth is a bronze age cosmology...let it rest in peace.

lol. you just flat out lie. you are a schill.

says the guy posting bullshit quotes,

not even a hint of science. Just bullshit piled on top of more bullshit.

Puts things into perspective! When mirroring, don't forget to give credits to the original uploader. Peace on the stationary plane