in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Greetings Flat Earthlings:

I’m introducing a plan for accelerating the Flat Earth Reformation keeping in mind the principle that “extremism in defense of liberty is no vice” while also keeping the discussion in the realm of ideas.

By “extreme” I refer to a refusal to respect sacred cows, taboos, or the idols of political correctness if they impede the search for truth. Thought policing is used to keep us locked into their fake world to our own detriment. Saying “F*** the thought police!” may sound extreme but it’s just an idea expressed emphatically.

GOAL: Blue Wrench Lodge can gather those ready to take the Flat Earth discussion away from the false FLAT vs ROUND debate and into the transition into POST-GLOBE reality.

WHAT’S THE PLAN? It’s a basic set of positions we can take in order to filter out those who cannot for whatever reason leave the Blue Pill surreality behind. Flat Earthers who still believe the MSM fairytales may as well go back to the ball.

There are FIVE parts to the plan, which we’ll refer to as OPERATION CC, for Chaos Out of Chaos.

DENY THEIR DOOMSDAY AGIT-PROP: Deny Climate Change and demand answers from “Flat Earthers” who will not do the same. Climate change is eschatology; a doomsday scenario used by the oligarchs, technocrats, and elitist scum in order to position themselves as our saviors. The NASA controlled “FLAT EARTH SOCIETY” believes in Climate Change according to their own statements. One way to distance ourselves from them is to associate Climate Change Denial with Flat Earth. The FLAT EARTH SOCIETY is not POST-GLOBE.

AUTO-HOAX WITHOUT APOLOGY: Not just the fake mass shootings and terrorist attacks, but the more protracted and subtle psyops and hoaxes. This would include exaggerated crime statistics, terror-fear porn, weather-fear porn, and engineered moral crisis and political footballs like transgendered pets and abortion. This also includes popular conspiracy myth, legend, conjecture, and unfounded beliefs. We must recognize and call out the MSM for what they are : TERRORISTS. To the extent that any media outlet, even “alternative” outlets for that matter, accept the narratives which are used to terrorize Auto-Beleivers, they serve as conduits for State Terror. It doesn’t matter if the events are faked. The effects of these politicized are the same they would be if people actually died and/ or cried.

MAKE GLOBE BELIEVERS PROCLAIM THEIR FAITH BEFORE DEBATING FACTS: Before entering into a debate about the shape of this supposed planet, insist the ball believer go on record stating their belief in astronauts went to the moon, that a Tesla Roadster is floating in outer-space, and that the Space Station isn’t just a movie set creating propaganda for the world’s governments as part of a containment system to make populations more manageable. They must be exposed as believers as opposed to knowers.

NO AUTO-BELIEVERS ON FLAT EARTH: Call upon Flat Earthers who believe in various hoaxes to explain the basis for their beliefs. We have to demand consistency with the exercise of our critical thinking faculties to keep the demon of faith at bay. We have to separate the Auto-believers from those of us willing to call out the naked emperors running rampant in government, media, and entertainment. Believers are the problem. Globe Fundamentalism only persist because its priests have not been thoroughly routed.

CASTIGATE OUR ANONYMOUS ACCUSERS: Treat all Accusations against any Flat Earther as Ammunition from zero-content nobodies. It’s 3AG. Troll Turd should no longer have any currency. We must strive to offend the moral busy-bodies, hysterical neurotic church ladies, and statist thought police.

If we implement strategies to enforce an ideological quarantine, even if only for a predetermined period of time, we can move the ball forward, closer the Edge, where Real meets Fake and Fake dissipates.



Infinite Plane Society


Knowledge > Belief.

Wow, it's the flat-earth manifesto. No messing around, blow the trumpet and wake people up.

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell


Mamy many thank sir for info

Thanks information friend

violence isn’t out of the question?... toward sacred cows of course.