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RE: a

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

This post discusses the FACT that the 'flat earth map' is actually a globe. Why are you changing the subject? I actually have discussed several of Dubay's
so called 'proofs' on my steeemit blog. You're welcome to discuss something t hat is on topic to the post on any of them.

So, why don't we discuss this 'flat earth map'. Do you understand this map is not a flat earth map, but a projection map of the globe and that there is no flat earth map or model, which means that flat earth is an untestable hypothesis?

Doesn't it concern you that you believe the earth is flat, but that no one in history has ever been able to come up with a map or model and that you use a globe projection?


So the first flat map was after 1492 when the first globe was constructed?

See my other comment. Not sure why you feel the need to comment on multiple subthreads, but I'd appreciate it if you refrained. You already made a comment on the exact same topic. There is no need to make several saying the exact same thing.

Please see my other comment on this topic.

Well to be honest i really do not know the shape of the Earth. Id have to take other's word for it. Dont know if its flat, dont know if its a sphere. So eventually Id have to believe one or the other. I guess people are concerned about other peoples "beliefs" and maybe offended by them... At least thats one thing that hasnt changed through known history. Sorry for changing the subject again. I really do not know anything of the discussed issues since I have no means of making sure for myself.

There are thousands of ways you can know for certain yourself. I've done hundreds of observations myself confirming it's a sphere. My observations only confirm what scientists and regular people have confirmed billions and trillions of times through the ages.

The shape of the earth is not an opinion, and there is no belief needed. It's a sphere. This is absolutely confirmed. I'd highly suggest you read the rest of the flat earth posts on my blog. I provide simple observations to prove it yourself. I would also highly suggest you join a local astronomy club. After they all pull themselves up off the ground laughing that you say you can't confirm whether it's flat or round, they can literally SHOW YOU dozens of ways you can tell the earth is round, rotating, and orbiting around the sun yourself with simple observations, just like humans have been doing for thousands of years. But it's even easier now that we have access to telescopes, observatories, and even smartphones!

Here's a couple of easy observations I've already outlined on my blog that you could do in a day yourself:

there are literally THOUSANDS more you can do yourself that are easily explainable on a globe and are impossible on a flat earth. The earth is a sphere. It's not an opinion, it's not a belief, it's a fact.

Will check your links. Oh, does the 8 inches per mile squared work then?

Do you think we live on an infinite parabola? Because that is what you get when you calculate 8 inches per mile squared.

earth parabola curvature 8 inches.jpg

And it ignores the LINE OF SIGHT calculations. We don't see pure drop, we see LINE OF SIGHT and what is sticking up above the expected curvature, which is calculated on this calculation below and it works just fine for what we see in reality. When you use the correct calculations, you get the correct output for a sphere.


Well i cant get my head around the math of it to be honest. So I was ready to stick to the globe model and then came this video ^^^

Are these people real scientists? Are they frauds?
Its impossible that the earth isnt a sphere. Not saying that its flat but it HAS to be a sphere!

Not sure if you are actually asking a question or not, but one question to ask that the 'convex earth' (convex means curved, by the way, so they really fail from the start) is : to what distance is their laser rated for accuracy?

Laser levels like the ones you buy in a store are rated to about 200 feet for a HIGH quality one. That's FEET. There are 5280 feet in a mile, and I believe the distance they used was 6 miles or so. They made their own laser level to their own specifications, and there is no indication it was rated or checked for accuracy for any particular distance. So, there is no reason to believe their laser level is accurate to even 200 feet, let alone 6 miles.

The BEST laser transit that I could find that exists in the world is only rated for 6000 meters (3.72 miles), and it costs around $10,000-$15,000 dollars. The 'experiment' they did was much longer than that, I think double the range of the BEST laser transit level in the world that is designed for corporate users at astronomical prices.

What kind of conclusions should be drawn from a laser level used 100's of times further than it's rating, then modified further by the people using it without having an independent party test it for accuracy?

So, for this reason, and many others like it, they are just fumbling around doing confirmation bias and not science. In fact, so far as I could tell, they didn't even have a hypothesis, and they certainly did not try to falsify their belief system, and they generally ignore anything and everything that is in direct contradiction of their beliefs, such as the items listed below.

They claim to be doing real science, but it has none of the requirements science demands.

Now, just ask any flat earther to show a MODEL of any of these, let alone all of them in one model. Watch them gyrate because it is impossible:

Lunar eclipses
Daylight hours in the southern hemisphere in December
Star trails
The equinox
Moon phases

They literally don't even have a testable hypothesis when they have no model. Plus, they just choose to ignore the fact that the globe model already makes stunningly accurate predictions. Predictions are the gold standard of science. So, claiming one model is wrong when it is predicting basically everything we see in reality with precision, and replacing it with something that does not even have a model that can be tested, is simply scientific illiteracy.

When flat or 'convex' earthers can make ANY prediction whatsoever, well, let them get back to us.

scientific method science scientism.jpg

Are you interested in having this type of debate in a live stream?