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RE: a

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

I don't have opinions on the matter. I have facts. That's the important distinction that you miss. You have opinions, unproven conspiracy theories, ridiculous accusations, and, yes, cult tactics. The globe model has 2000 years of facts, proofs and, most importantly, a working comprehensive predictive model. And yes, I very much can, with simple observations prove the earth is round. I mentioned a few of these, that you ignore because you MUST ignore them to maintain your delusions.

What do you have? An admitted opinion that you can't prove.

Again, let me know when you have that comprehensive predictive model. The globe already has it, and has all the proof anyone who wished to find out the truth would need, so good luck with your incorrect opinion about the shape of the earth and silly accusations and cult tactics. Because that IS all you have, even if you will never admit it.

But since I'm 'misinforming' everyone and can't prove anything, do tell how we all know that there is a full moon, supermoon, lunar eclipse going to happen on January 31st, and the exact times that will happen in each geographic area. I know how it's being done. And it's not because we all collectively sacrificed animals!!! LOL.


as i said , if i listened to people like you , my life would be a shit show , so you can have your opinions about cults , you seem to be versed in that area of study , im just a regular guy with my own mind , i can say bitconnect is legit , doesnt make it a fact. i want many questions answered by globe earthers and i never get them , send me a selfie on the moon, thats all i need , i'll accept defeat , but no matter how hard you people tried , you never really got far into the sky bro lmao

Yes, I'm sure if you used facts and reason instead of just cult tactics and believing fantasies, I'm sure you're life would be horrible!!! LOL. More cult psychological tactics, while denying you use them! Good job.

And you ask WHICH globe we use while telling me that I'm spreading misinformation? Tsk, tsk. seems it's you who is misrepresenting, since ALL maps are projections of the globe and are in error to one degree or another.

To claim, somehow, that is a failing of the globe model not to be able to create a perfect flat map is not only dishonest and disingenuous, but an absolute misrepresentation... something you say you hate! Of COURSE all maps are wrong! Because we live on a GLOBE!!!

Your incredulity of maps being 'wrong' are literally proving that we do not live on a flat surface, since it would be PAINFULLY easy to map a flat earth to a flat piece of paper.

LOL. You don't even realize that you literally just gave solid evidence for the globe through your video! LMAO. Flat earthers are so incredibly ridiculous.

And you don't get any answers by globers? LOL. I gave you several that you ignored... because you have to in order to maintain your fantasy world, or just attract more cult followers, I'm not sure which.

Come the 31st, when you see that full moon, supermoon, lunar eclipse, and look up the exact time it begins in your geographic area and it matches those predictions precisely, you can thank the globe model for it's precise prediction, as it does everyday for virtually every natural phenomenon you see! Prediction is the highest and best proof for a model. To deny a model with such precise predictive ability that anyone can model, is just silly.

Excellent work! It's tough to get through to FE'rs but your points are spot on. There's a lot to be said about the need to feel like you know something someone else doesn't and is one of the main reasons FE'rs are so easily manipulated.

masturbating your cult members ego? globetards are the ones being manipulated LMAO , globe tard intelligence = putting a tesla in low orbit , revolutionary ! ,you showed those flattards fakeX, lmao

which one do we use?