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RE: Level Reality

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Actually, it does. Because a horizon line 360 degrees all around us that increases as we go up in elevation, and it's distance is predictable with sperical math, and with predictable and measurable horizon drop, is only possible on a sphere.

The funny thing about this meme that the poster ignores is that he shows two images, both where we can see further the higher up we go! That is ONLY possible on a sphere!

There's a reason that no one will ever take flat earthers seriously, it's because they simply cannot understand anything they are seeing! Instead, they parrot cult talking points and substitute that for actual intelligence.

Here's the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway at ground level. We can only see the expected approximately 3 miles of it. Yet, whenever flattards show a bridge like this saying there is 'no curvature' they show an aerial view... because you can see further at altitude... because we live on a sphere!

It's a self-defeating argument to show miles and miles of a bridge from an aerial view saying there is no curvature. If there was no curvature, why do you have to go up over the curvature to see the bridge that is hidden behind the curvature at ground level!

Flattards are pathetic.

lake ponchartrain causeway ground.jpg


Yea, the horizon will start to curve as you go up. And if you go high enough, you will see the full circle of the earth.

Thanks for all the upvotes! :-)


Except.. it's not staying the same size and disappearing bottom first. It's simply going off into a point and disappearing in it's entirely. Unlike the sun which stays the same size all day, disappears bottom first, and doesn't disappear into a point.

sunset time lapse.jpg

You really have to be joking to say that this is like how things disappear over the curve when that is not at all like it. I would use your meme to prove the earth is round by contrasting it to the sun and to ships... and to this plane, which is coming TOWARDS you and so can't be disappearing at it's vanishing point...

But I suspect you'll just ignore it because you seem unable to address observable reality that contradicts your belief system.

planes below the horizon.gif