Well Steemit is the best place to discuss these topics since there are no censorship here.
I am sorry to say this, but you seems like you have not followed the evidence and the arguments made by the flat earth community.
Joe Rogan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are not trustworthy to me at all. Watch these videos where Joe Rogan gets completely destroyed. Also FEA have promised to go after Neil DeGrasse Tyson soon. I am almost 100% flat earther, but I am calling myself a skeptic since I need more time and I have crazy statists that take decisions about me and my sons time together, so I need to call myself a skeptic:
Lmfao. Yeah ok. I'm sorry to say this, but just because you don't understand something, doesn't make you right. I've been following (mostly laughing at) flat earthers for about 3 years now. I've done my homework. I've researched both sides with a ton of hours out of curiosity. Also sorry to say this, but flat earth people are mostly uneducated people who lack almost all common sense. PS there's also literally a live stream of a satellite in space that can be watched...but I'm guessing you think that's not really there either and we're just being pranked, because there's so much to gain by everyone saying the earth is round. Lol. What a joke. Thanks for the laugh
I think you're just replying so you can upvote yourself and get paid. 9/11 was an inside job huh? You're a ####### idiot and pretty disrespectful to all those who lost their lies. Yes, they're all controlling the masses how? What the hell would happen if the earth was flat? Um nothing...life would go on, no one gains anything from the earth being flat or round. It's round because it's round. Anyway, I'm done talking to you. It's like talking to a 3 year old child with Down's syndrome. You have a good day, and don't forget to go fuck yourself
I just flagged your punk ass for acting like a little bitch. The debate was going fine until you started insulting. Why don't you go suck on a freemasons cock you punk.
LMFAO. OH NO....you flagged me?! OH NO!!! Get Lasseheelers cock out of your ass you fuck tard. You're a real tough guy talking shit over the internet. Enjoy fucking yourself!
As long as you learned that, you should also learn that it's in your best interest to study something more before you sound like an even bigger dipshit than you already do
Go fuck yourself you turd.
LMFAO. turd? WOW...one of the best comebacks of all time. What a little fucking bitch you are. Fucking cunt
The "real" information?! Lmfao. What a joke. This real information that you got from listening and watching to other flat earthers?! Yeah you sound real smart. Instead I'll answer 0 if your questions. They're all stupid, and all you'll do no matter what I say, is refute it all. I'd rather not waste my time.
And why again are Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk spending billions on space exploration?! Right...just to keep tricking everyone into thinking the earth is round. Lmfao. Really makes sense. Fucktard