So you are saying that all the governments in the world agreed on this one thing that everyone will lie about shape of earth. They can't agree on any other topic but shape of earth is such a huge topic that everyone put their differences aside and said, we got work on this together. And to what end? /s
This is a sorry state of our education system. I worry for the future of this world. There better be a more intelligent alien race out there otherwise we are done for.
One can only recognize ignorance from a position of ignorance. Everything under the sun has an element of truth to it. And if we want to get closer to that truth, then we would be better served searching for the ounce of truth to be found in the words of others. Seeking out only faults in reason will lead us only to a fault in our reasoning.
Did that wisdom come from a unicorn or santa? :)
Believe it or not, the wisdom came from you. Or at least, it was uncovered as a result of my belief that no matter how nonsensical a comment may be- there's always a lesson to be learned in there.
Have a loveful life.