The earth being flat or round seems to being a rising argument. Other than being taught it was round, I really have nothing to go by. I’m not saying it’s one or the other, but why would they teach the earth is round if it’s flat? I’ve seen both sides of the argument and I can see points to each. What you think?
It is neither, it is the same as space and time, everything is relative. We manifest reality, if a majority want it to be a ball then it will be a ball. In all honesty though, I don't think the majority really cares, too busy with self gratification. ;)
Wow, this is an incredible outlook! Thanks for your input!
From my point of view its pretty much flat. Dude called Einstein convinced people there is no superior point of view. For just about all humans its pretty much flat.
@oddreality thanks for sharing!!
You’re welcome :)
Nice one
Thanks a lot :)
Its an oblate spheroid
I think I heard Neil Tyson Degrasse talk about that a while back