Flat earth - the beginning of my research

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Up untill 4 days ago I never really paid attention to flat earth theories, I didn't really care to be honest. I used to think to myself, "so what if the earth isnflat or round? Does it change anything? Does it solve the problems we are facing today?".

So 4 days ago 26th of september 2017 I started talking to some guy Ive been saying hello to for about a year but never spoke to. And the talk started with me posting a status on facebook about a trip to Antarctica and how expensive it is which he responded to by saying "there is a reason why its expensive" and he said we should discuss it fuether in person.

So we saw each other and he started talkng about all the evidence there is that shows our planet is not round.

I listened to it all, I was overwhelmed to say the least.
I thought about everything he said for 2 days and I came up with a bunch of questions to ask him next time I see him which was 2 days after (yesterday) 28th.
He answered all the questions and that just made me even more curious to find out more about the flat earth.

So today I only did about less than an hour research which made me realize that the shape of our planet DOES INDEED matter.
I am still not convinced what shape the earth is, how our solar system works, whats in the sky or whats beyond Antarctica but I am going to get as much information regarding this subject as I can.

Now I think about people who laugh at the flat earth theory when they haven't read anything about it.
My mind is racing right now...so many questions I have...so much reading I have to do....


gyroscopes - if freely allowed to move, will maintain its plane regardless of outside changes.. therefor it would rotate 360 degrees every 24 hours, yet they don't

suez canal is 100 miles long and completley flat. this is impossible on global earth model.

this is a good video

be aware there is a ton of misinformation, people pretending to be flat earthers.

a true flat earther is based in facts... i'm not sure that the 'official flat earthers' are all the time...

peace brother, it is amazing times we live in.