Flat Earth: Why I Think It's Wrong

in #flatearth7 years ago

The following is why I find both the theory and proponents of flat earth to be lacking, in terms of making sense and being cohesive and coherent.

Are you familiar with quantum mechanics? Holofractagraphic theory?
That the world is a giant hologram?
Nassim Haramein has his own unique theory about the world, one which the standard model of scientists dislike, and they want to claim his model is a sham, similar to their feelings regarding quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics proves that we are all connected via non-locality.
Scientists have proven it to a tee, spear-headed by Albert Einstein, in trying to show QM as incomplete; though, they very much don't like the implications that QM necessitates - that of connectedness; or, as Albert was fond of saying, "spooky action at a distance."

You can take the quick tour of this by watching the NOVA episode of the Fabric Of The Cosmos series, Quantum Leap. There's also one on Fractals: Hunting The Hidden Dimension. There are a number of really cool videos that you can find on fractals, and the rest of the NOVA series for Fabric are really good, too.

This lines up with the idea of As Above, So Below, which is congruent with fractals:
If they are inconsistently replicated, you won't get them.
Santos Bonacci is actually the person who introduced me to that concept, and it has been a huge disappointment to see him go head-over-heels for flat earth; nonetheless, his explanation is the most unusual I've seen yet, so I'm inclined to give it another go.

The importance of quantum mechanics and fractals is that they are evidence for the model of reality being spherical, because

  1. It's repeatable by spirals.
  2. It's repeatable by movement without running into theoretical, or practical, contradiction.

Putting fractals and quantum mechanics into flat earth theory... where do you even start? When it rains, the water falls down and is shaped oval, due to gravity, and combined with air resistance, forms a smooth bottom and pointed top.

Gravity is contended to not exist by Flat Earthers.
Rather, the universe is electro-magnetic.
It is not covered how the universe being electro-magnetic means that there cannot be gravity.
It's simply "No, it's not gravity; it's electro-magnetic."

I haven't even been able to discuss it much further than that with most Flat Earthers, due to their insistence on talking about how everything is a conspiracy, such as that the number 666 that correlates with the carbon atom, which apparently is proof that physical reality is the literal manifestation of hell, or their debonair disregard of reality, one literally claiming once to me that throwing a bird from your hands and it flying away as proof that gravity doesn't exist, and me, upon scoffing and saying that I wasn't there to teach them basic physics, but understand their position, was met with the comment from another, "Is he serious?!"
(As in was I seriously saying that he was nuts for his statement about the bird.)

Tesla has even been claimed by them to be a proponent of Flat Earth, and yet the model that he used was that of a spheroid. I'm not sure whether I dislike the general dishonesty they have, or their disregard for logic and consistency of thought, more.

Eric Dubay, the go-to staple that Flat Earthers reference, has been shown to be a liar by David King. It's true that they drag on a bit and they swear a lot, but the evidence is pretty damning, and is highly congruent with my expereince with Flat Earthers.

Principally, what Flat Earthers focus on is Perspective and Curve.
"Where is the curve? Do you see the curve?"
With the sheer degree of largeness that the earth has, you're going to have to look very hard to see the curve, and as Larken Rose points out in his video regarding the psychology of Flat Eathers, that regardless if the earth were spherical or flat, you would still see a slight curve when you went above ground high enough, such as in an airplane.
And, going with the further assumption of the Dome...
How is this congruent with fractals, with As Above, So Below?

I don't need to change the shape of the earth to know that the government is lying to me.
It could be the shape of a potato, a skittle, a fork, a bicycle, a pair of glasses, or a dildo.

That the government lies can be derived empirically and logically:
Taxation is theft - the taking of resources from someone regardless of their consent.

#flatearth #ericdubay #holographicuniverse #nassimharamein #NOVA #taxationistheft


Oh come on. That's abstraction taken to the extreme. I don't know how effective those theories are, but I do know that flat earth comes down to the geometry of this world. And last I checked all it takes is simple math and logic to confirm or deny that.

Of course it is.

If simple logic worked, there wouldn't be flat earthers.

Awesome post, keep up the good work. It's clear the FE movement is an intentional effort to discredit real truthers and alternative media. The powers that be are sore about those who have shined a light on 911 event so it's important to take the credibility out of truthers. At some point they will claim, "you cannot trust them, just look at all the people fooled by flat earth.