Why Do Flat Earth Proponents Never Mention The Southern Cross?

in #flatearth8 years ago

According to what I've learned recently. Flat earth proponents believe that the South Pole does not exist.

Rather "south" is a 360 degree circle surrounding the flat plane of the earth while the North Pole, which apparently does exist, is the center point of earth.
Now one big problem with this is the stars. For instance, Crux. One of the most easily recognized constellations.
It is visible only in the southern hemisphere. (globularly thinking).
The problem with the Flat Earth theory is that the Southern Cross really exists. I've seen it and probably millions of other people see it every night. For centuries it has been used for navigation. If "South" is all around us. How can the Southern Cross always appear where it belongs, in the southern sky wherever on earth one happens to be? Are there an infinite number of Southern Crosses? Is the constellation a hologram that is triggered instantaneously and separately by every individual conscientiousness that happens to be close enough to the edge of the world and looks south, or should I say "outward?" on a clear night?
There is simply no way that I can conceive of to explain how the stars can be and definitely are always where they are supposed to be in a flat earth reality.
It would be easier to believe in a Matrix reality. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/06/south-pole-does-not-exist.html

Sorry, But The Flat Earth Theory Has Just Been Debunked.


Who cares about stars? Can show me a picture of the Earth's curvature? I think not...Why? Because it doesn't curve...Its flat in every direction. This has been proven. Not believing fact because you don't want to is called Cognitive dissonance. Realizing you've been lied to by men (should be rather pissed off about it) for quite a long time about where you live is the first step towards figuring out where you live...once we figure this out ,we can figure out where we're going. You can't have one without the other...

Who cares about the stars? I care about the stars. You can't just pretend that they don't exist. They do. And if they exist, their existence disproves the flat earth hypothesis. Sorry.
Oh, I do agree that I/we've been lied to about many things. But the earth being a globe is not one of them.

Not only that, but the flat earth map itself is a map of a globe! Yes, in thousands of years of flat earth thought, the best map that the best minds could come up with is a projection map of a globe! The irony does not get any richer than that. They have no model of flat earth, only a globe!
