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RE: Flat Earth Seattle Meet Up! ⭐️

in #flatearth8 years ago

Why do you waste your time with Flat Earth when you can easily disprove it by merely watching the Sun set and measuring that the size of the sun does not change throughout the day? If the Sun's size does not change, it must be millions of miles away, and if the Size remains the same as it vanishes over the Horizon, then the Earth is demonstrably not flat, and ANYONE with a camera and a solar filter can easily test this.

The EARTH is not FLAT!

Still don't believe me, then go take this flight, and for your own eyes see Antarctica is a continent not an ICE WALL! Lolz:


And clouds going BEHIND the sun, could you explain this please... ?

Thanks for the feedback. I don't deal with beliefs so I don't have to believe you or anyone else for that matter when it comes to observable, testable, and repeatable natural science. I do my own experiments and come to my own conclusions.

What about this:

ANYONE with a camera and a solar filter can easily test this.

Did you not compute?

If you really believe the Earth is flat, then explain why the angular size of the Sun does not change throughout the day?