
In addition to the flags, he is also stalking and trolling my posts. He's going to get flags as long as it continues.

Well, I only responded to @curatorhulk, and if you read the lead up to this, I already stated that I didn't think he'd get involved. I wasn't trying to troll you; I trolled you. Why not inform him about the unprovoked flags I got from you over the course of a year? Oh that's right, that don't count, ..according to you. Don't worry bernz, I'll be fine. Go back to sleep.

Yes, the one with the 74 rep is the one who got trolled, not the one with the shiny, new -4 rep!

I have no doubt it'll end up back where it was. Good luck.

and all the other people hes spammming and giving a hard time to right bernadette like flagging me five times just now for nothing you piece of garbagen
anybody who defends you doesnt know you or are just as lost as you
go back to flagging me cmon beanie boy
below a boy jackass is what you are

Ok, I did not flag him today, but flagged him 2x yesterday.
Edit: todays incoming flags were all one sided, and those are the ones that did the damage.

This is amazing

i stopped flaggin bernie a while ago lol i just throw my two cents in comments when hes getting too mouthy and use his own language against him
good to see you helping the small guys getting flagged by beanie and the bots
have a great day.

And those comments are going to be what kills your account. You won’t get any help there.

the only things i have flagged you is your spam but now i just mute you
never flagged your comments even though your remarks are ignorant and like a little kids
you have the right to be heard but that doesnt mean i have to take your dumbass seriously or anybody else here for that matter

When you play with fire, you get burned.

It is true but the adrenaline that produces the fire is delicious. Jejejeje is exciting the forbidden.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment