characterisics one distant physical feature is black and white stripes on its body and legs. bites during the day time and lays eggs in clean and stagnant water. do you know Only the female mosquitoes feed on blood, as they need the blood protein to lay their eggs. Despite a short life span of two to three weeks, each female Aedes mosquito is able to lay up to 300 eggs how the disease transmits We all know by now that the Aedes mosquito spreads the dengue virus, but how exactly do they do it? Mosquitoes cannot transmit the dengue virus amongst themselves, they need to first bite a person who is already infected with the dengue virus. The infected mosquito will then carry the dengue virus and pass it onto a healthy person when it bites him/her and causing them to fall sick. The cycle then continues with the new victim.
PREVENTION METHODS 1. The most important thing you need to do is to stop the Aedes mosquito from breeding. Remove all stagnant water. Don’t let it lay its eggs. 2. 10-minute mozzie wipe out exercise that you could work on to help get rid of stagnant water in and around your house. 3. Change water in vases on alternate days. 4. Remove water from flower-pot plates on alternate day. pi" 5. Turn over all pails and water storage containers. l> pi" 6. Tell your parents or any adults in your house to cover bamboo pole holders when they are not in use your house to clear blockages and put BTI insecticide in roof gutters monthly 8. Do not litter. Rubbish such as cups ad bottles can collect rain water and breed mosquitoes
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