Guys can never do too much flirting. Here are some fantastic tips for perfecting this fine art

in #flirt7 years ago

pexels-photo-262008.jpegPeople flirt all the time; it’s human nature. But there are degrees of flirting. An attractive shop assistant fluttering her eyelids when handing over your change isn’t an invitation to run off into the sunset together. But in other circumstances flirting can mean just that: it’s a potent signal to show someone you’re interested. Very interested. So here’s how you can transform into a hugely successful flirt.

Body language

When it comes to flirting there’s a common misconception it’s all about dazzling a woman with your silver-tongued charm and suggestive remarks. But did you know studies have revealed only 7% of communication is verbal? The other 93% is down to non-verbal communication, split into the actual tone of your voice (38%) but far more importantly, body language (55%). So when it comes to flirting impressively, it’s what you don’t actually say that can be so crucial.

So how do you make this type of contact without saying anything? Simple. You use your eyes. Or you reach out and touch. With the former, you can tell a woman you like her by fixing her with what a cheesy romantic novel might describe as a ‘smouldering look.’ Actually, this facial expression does exist, although perfecting it can take some practice. A subtle fine line exists between sending out the signal you would love nothing more than getting physical with this person and coming across as plain creepy.

The good news is most women recognize lingering looks. Females employ this technique just as much as guys. It can cut through the need for a lot of small-talk and get straight to the point. A knowing glance across a crowded bar, held for that fraction of a second longer, can be extremely provocative and enticing.

Where being tactile is concerned, again, a note of caution is required. Gently touch her hand or toy with her hair. No more than a casual stroke. If she’s into you then the feeling will be like electricity. But you never want to overdo these gestures and get lumped into the same category as the office boss who transforms into an octopus at the Christmas party.

Give out compliments

Girls love praise, as long as it’s delivered with a tone of sincerity. Prior to a night out, they’ll most likely have gone to a lot of trouble getting ready to hit the town. For gangs of females, this can become a ritual, as they congregate at a designated flat then spend time socializing while swapping makeup and trying out different outfits.

When you find yourself in the company of one of them, tell them how much you admire their dress sense or hairstyle, but especially their perfume. Emphasize the extent to which you find their scent alluring by leaning close in to gently inhale.

Pay close attention

Women love guys actually paying attention to things that matter to them. If they share information such as their favorite piece of music or the meal that most excites them, file these details into your memory bank. At some point, you may well get the opportunity to delight her by presenting a surprise present – a CD of that band she mentioned. When it comes to selecting a date venue she’ll be so impressed if you book a table where they serve the banquets she finds delicious.

Give her space

It might seem counter-intuitive but one of your best moves can be to back off and leave her alone. Seriously. No matter how well your relationship is progressing, you need to give time to one another to do things with other people, be that friends or family. So rather than hoping to spend every available hour in their presence, suggest they have a girls’ night out or some pampering time. Remember the old adage about absence making the heart grow fonder?

Funny, not corny!

Finally, women adore guys who can make them laugh. A twinkle in the eye and an injection of dry humor will always raise the spirits, as long as you avoid the more obvious howlers. Check out this site for more flirting advice.