Hi buddies, have you ever thought of the means to which goods are delivered to you? Is it convenient for you to be in that service? I write to expanciate on easy form of trading pertaining to goods and services. Most people in the world find themselves in trading purposefully to acquire goods and services that they cannot provide for themselves. Some also deliver goods and services with the mindset of earning money to sustain their lives. Over the years, there has been some innovative system of trading, which is batter trading to local trading. There has been advancement in the global world and trading system where sellers and buyers meet on a trading platform and conduct trading activities. Amazon and Alibaba are some well-known paltforms where trading takes place. These platforms deliver goods and services for buyers to come and purchase items and these items are transferred to them without considering their setting in the world.
Trading online has become an easy and convenient form of trading which intends to reduce the stress that most traders were entitled to pass through by going to the supermarkets and shop to buy tradable items. Upon all the benefits the online trading platforms give to humans, there has been the realization by most that there is unfairness on these platforms pertaining to the trading of goods and services. are to both sellers and buyers. In view of this, a particular team of people evolved a platform called Flogmall that has been launched to counteract or solve the situation at hand by paving numerous ways for members to earn some funds.
Deprived User Interface
It is amazing to see some user interface being cumbersome and difficult to understand making trading on such platforms very difficult for users. Trading activities are altered by traders since the interface is not familiar and they don’t want to risk their funds on the platform.
With diverse level of comprehension since we all have different backgrounds, the trading platforms can see to provide a fundamental and easy user interface making it very for all people to trade on.
Deviation of Funds
Advertisement is one of the major reasons why online marketing platforms came into existence. Sellers advertise their products so that customers who are out of their reach or far away can have access to their products and purchases. Videos and musics are at times uploaded unto the platforms for viewers to watch. There is also a huge fund generation from the uploaded video. It is such that anytime someone opens the video to watch, there is accumulation of some percentage of money to be received rather than those who produced the video or media.
Flogmall has set up a platform that will contain all the media and some information about customers and would be in the forms of videos and blogs for which sellers publicize their products to the world. The platform, Livestore platform will enable various ways through which users can publicize their products. The astonishing characteristic is that, traders will gain from such publicity.
Speaking to your Customers across the globe: Livestore permits users the opportunity to promote themselves and their products to the world.
Layout of your store: Each and every one in today’s world wants to have the best of service delivered we always ask ourselves; can you determine who can deliver such a service? Livestore will then allow users to make video of their place of work so that far away consumers will get to know what to expect if they are pay visit to such a place for services.
Promotional Videos: Sellers run marketing and discount some times as means of imposing their business strategy with their customers. Livestore as created by Flogmall provides the opportunity for users to let their customers and the entire world know about any promotional activities that a user wants to operate.
Online marketing platforms that are known most of the time generated more funds more than even the sellers who are publicizing their products over there. Flogmall delivers platform which will serve a whole group of people who supports to the launch, the successively and operation of the Livestore platform. Sellers, Customers, ICO PARTICIPANTS, Traders, Crypto Enthusiasts etc.
Most Sellers who register Flogmall Online Marketing platform will have the opportunity to advertise and promote their products to customers all over the world more than they could have access to supposing they were situated within a physical market that has been established. The transaction fees by Flogmall on the services that it provides for its members. Sellers can now save enough funds for their trading activities.
Moreover, Flogmall makes available to its sellers; customers also have certain packages that they enjoy. Customers will get the opportunity to make payments for gods and services with the use cryptocurrencies of their choice. Flogmall respects the new age of crypto currencies that we find ourselves and hence has enabled a smart contract which users can purchase goods with any coins in a secured manner.
Unlike others, platforms which only accept the use of the mother digital currency which is quite exclusive to the average person, Flogmall’s platform would be established to accept any altcoin that a customer has in possession to purchase goods and services.
More detailed in the whitepaper which looks at how Flogmall platform is doing to run and operate the platform. I entreat all investors to refer to this document to read more into this platform for detailed information.
Flogmall has a solid and hardworking team who are highly experienced cognitively. Considering their experiences in the various fields profession, this project is certain to become a great success. This gives much assurance to investors.
For more information about the project
Website: https://flogmall.com/
Whitepaper: https://flogmall.com/public/app/doc/wp_en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/flogmall_en
Facebook: https://twitter.com/flogmall
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flogmall
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FLOGmall/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2772079.0
Bitcointalk Username: Rastafarian
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1924304
This is a project i have been looking for. Good work be the team
An online marketing platform that accepts cryptocurrency is a laudable one indeed and a breakthrough in the marketing field. Great job development team.