Most of you know Florida as either the sunshine state, or once you have made your first vacation here in the summer the always wet, raining, and humid as *#$& state. It has its seasons, such as the 2 weeks worth of winter we get when the temperature can go into the 30s, but its usually only two days at a time and then back into the 60s for a few more days!
Well many people just have never been to Florida and never seen a Florida rainstorm. I've lived in other parts of the US and Florida has some pretty torrential rain we get on the regular here that puts the usual North Pacific Wests sprinklings(not to be confused with the heavy rain) to be put to shame.
I'd like to share a video I took outside my house here in a suburb of central Florida to see how much water accumulates within moments. I wish you could see the rain better but I only had an Samsung Galaxy to record on. There are informational bits in the video too. Was fun to record
This next one I take a quick look at the flooding in the lawns.
This happens daily in the summer, usually starting in july. We do get a lot of rain in June, typically, but there are usually breaks in the rain of a day or a few days. It has been nonstop rain all of June (the water drains each day so flooding isn't too big of a deal). Which has kept the temperature in the 70s range which usually we would be getting more temperature highs in the 80s and 90s. The odd rain weather pattern has also caused certain mushroom species to delay they're growth. Species i would normally see while hiking in June just haven't formed because of the low temps.
Ive been born and raised in Michigan, but when I was a youngster we would pack up every summer for a week or two in Tampa to visit Grampa. I remember it would literally pour everyday around midday. Then once it finished within 30 minutes or so you could not even tell it rained...well except for the brutal humidity lol. Followed :)
I live in Tampa bay area. We see the same thing here. You will leave the windows in you car cracked to release the heat because the sky is perfectly clear. Then 20min's later you have run out and close the window because you have a thunderstorm coming. In my job I talk to people from other parts of the country. They often say they are afraid of being in Florida because of the hurricanes. At least you know when a hurricane is coming. The real danger is lightning. You never know when lightning may hit. It can kill people walking down the street or it can fry your TV.
LOL yes i can't remember how many nights i have stupidly left my window down some and then woken up to a rainstorm. We haven't been getting as many hurricanes lately either, and believe it or not the hydrology of florida needs them more often than we have been getting this past decade! lol of course not good for us or the insurance companies..
I've been walking down a hiking trail before no storm, when FLASH BANG 15 yards in front of me it struck a tree. It's powerful