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RE: Parkland, FL: Teacher Informed of Code Red Drill on Day of School Shooting [CENSORED BY YOUTUBE]

in #florida7 years ago (edited)

Excellent points! <Firstly, such a 'drill' would be absurd, traumatizing children for years, and leaving the school district open to lawsuits.>
Yes, you are 100% correct, but that is still exactly what police have done at other Florida schools prior to this. See my video comparing this event with footage of some of those drills here:

If you aren't aware of them already, they will probably shock you, as they did me when I first came across them in my research. So realistic you can't tell the difference between the two ('real'/'fake'), and so traumatizing for young minds when you do such a thing. And it's not just Florida, but in schools across the country - apparently this is 'necessary' since Sandy Hook. Unbelievably sick & I think you are right. That is exactly where we are quickly finding ourselves. Welcome to 1984.