Should not be a surprise for those of us awake to see that this event is another False Flag/Drill. All by Design to push for Gun Control again to take away our Second Amendment & rest of our Amendment rights. Same MO. Real witnesses testify to 2-3 shooters. The Lone Gunmen (pushed by Deep State Propaganda outlet) is another MKULTRA with the same look as the others. Quite frankly, cars, big pharma, opiods, etc. kill more people than guns. On one hand it's the condition of the soul that matters. Then, you have others who will use this situation and others for propaganda to promote further control of society a.k.a. enslavement that leads to NWO, a.k.a. Gray State.
Why do we have guards protecting money and other institutions, but not interested in protecting children? Think about that. I'm sure there are plenty of retired Police Officers and Veterans willing to do so. Arming teachers is another option, problem is that some of them are whacked out Liberals who don't believe in the Second Amendment, they are only interested in protecting their own interests while marketing propaganda. Gun Control never works out, take a good look at Chicago, Baltimore, etc. Again you have to find a balance. Certainly begging the Government is not the answer, more power grab at all costs with respect to none.
We have to do what we have to do to not give in to the demands of the powers that shouldn't be. If you believe in God, that Jesus Christ came to save you from sin & death. More importantly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God & Savior of Mankind. It's Full Armor Of God time in this Spiritual Warfare. Yes, we will be tested, but if you remain strong in the faith. Please remember that God gives us strength from our faith in him with Grace and Mercy.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.
The school was setup. Here we go again more Gun Control push.
There were 3 Shooters.
3's with Illuminati Symbolism
Another False Flag/DRILL
Bodies dragged away in a crime scene??
"Just like they got rid of the witnesses in the Las Vegas shooting."
"If this guy was an ex student ,what the hell was he doing there to begin with ?" Valentines day Massacre. Another Day Another #DRILL F--- #NWOAgenda #WEDONOTCONSENT
Mass School Shooting In Florida, Seventeen People Slaughtered. The Shooter Is Identified As Nikolas Cruz
With every shooting #DeepState use to push for #GunControl
Support #SecondAmendment
Narrator points out that both parties never state "problem with #Soul of entire society" " #ChangeOfSoul in Society" "What type of society do we live in where we have so much fire armed ownership in screwed up society?"
The One Who Did The Florida School Shooting Was Not A Muslim, According To A Report He Was A Part Of A White Nationalist Group
FBI Was Warned About the Florida School Shooter Last Year in Comments Section of a YouTube Video
Florida School Shooting - FBI Knew About Nikolas Cruz In Advance of Massacre
Valentine's Day Massacre
Florida High School Shooting - FIRST PHOTOS - #Parkland #FloridaShooting #DRILL#FalseFlag #Gematria 19 yrs old, Route 91, twin towers 911, Amtrack train 91, call a cop 911.
5G will be used at Olympics to Kill wild pigs
By Richie From Boston
Pigs DNA are close humans for testing. We're Lab Rats.
Silent weapons for Silent Wars. globalist depopulation plan moving along like clockwork. All by design.
"5G technology is being rolled out in the south by AT&T all so people can download videos at a faster rate. Is it worth it to roll out this technology which will also lead to driverless cars?"
Comment from a Viewer: "Silent weapons for quiet wars=deniability. No evidence? No crime." F---#5G #MicrowaveRadiation #DWave #CellTowers #GeoEngineering #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #NWOAgenda
"One Bite Of The Apple, At A Time!"
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
F---#DeepState #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GunControl
Our Eyes Are Windows Into Our Soul!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Was NiKols Cruz Set Up To Take The Fall
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Fire & Shooting DRILL
Mind Altering Drugs!
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Makes No Sense To Me!
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911 Truths.
The only people needing “Gun Control” restrictions are the shadow government who keep taking innocent lives in trying to push their Anti-Gun Agenda. MK Ultra...secret service is involved deep state framed and set this kid up like a puppet..
Incompetent FBI Agency, Christopher Wray Needs To Go!
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FBI=Federal Bureau of Idiots/Injustice
FBI Admits ‘Protocol Was Not Followed’ For Florida School Shooter After January Tip
What Are The Chances
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
All by design, World's Stage.
#FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL #SecondShooter F--- #CIA #DeepState #GunControl #MKULTRA
#WEDONOTCONSENT #CivilWar2 anyone??
Will Gun Free Zones Soon Be Eliminated
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
POLICIES Doesn't change Corruption everywhere.
10000% for Vet's & Retired Cops armed in schools
A Strange Parkland School Eye-Witness Most of MSM is Ignoring!
Alexa Miednik bumped into Nicholas Cruz, who had already fired?? She knows the shots were coming from another part of the building.
FBI Director, And Chief Of Police, Both Need To Go!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Comment from a Viewer: “Gabe, Florida murders a coded message to Trump. School named after a powerful women who is known for her ANTI DRAIN THE SWAMP (Everglades) ADVOCACY. She also co authored a Play named STORM WARNINGS. There was a Fed Govt. police drill at the school last month. Sheriff Israel is a HRC for America member. Sheriff Israel is also an Anti Gun Advocate. This is the reason all these reports of Cruz are NOW being displayed, and nothing done, because he was always the Deep State Patsy in this. Students mentioned multiple shooters, even talking to Cruz at time of shootings. More to this than meets the eye Gabe. I believe Deep State coded message to Trump to stop the clean out of Swamp, or this is the result. If they can't get to him, they will keep a campaign of murder ongoing. What u think Gabe?”
Deputies called to suspected shooter’s home 39 times over seven years
1.3 Million Death's In Car Accidents, 13K Death's In Shootings!
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“Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, read the entire article, and let me know what you think. It certainly seems to me that the focus should not be on guns, but on cars, since the death's caused by cars is so much greater than the deaths caused by guns.”
In many U.S. states, 18 is old enough to buy a semiautomatic
Check out Dr Lubin's creds.
FF (FalseFlag)
The ZOG agenda has permeated every aspect of government
These false flag shootings are part of mind control programs that are being used by deep state agents to push gun confiscation. When (((they))) have the guns, its over
The CIA can use various forms of frequencies, cell phones, T.V. as well as other tech to control peoples minds into doing these things
(Quote by James Taylor: "Doctors are the gatekeepers. #WetWare #MkUltra"
#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening
Shooting in news 2 DAYS Before it happened??
By Richie From Boston
#FalseFlag #DRILL F---#DeepState #GunControl #MinorityReport #OperationGladio #WEDONOTCONSENT #FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare
Looks Like The Crises Actors Followed The Script, Or Google Is Screwing With Us!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Google Search Shows Fla Shooting Headline 2 Days BEFORE Event!
Florida Shooting posted 2 days BEFORE event on Google
February 12th, 2018. Shooting happened on February 14th, 2018
The same thing happened before the Las Vegas shooting.
Eliminate Gun Free Zones, Save Lives!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
GFZs - The Elites School Shooting Program: Going According to Plan
Judge Jeanine Pirro Puts the Blame of Florida Where it Belongs... THE F.B.I.
We Need To Take Our Country Back!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
“Please copy,, and paste the above link into your browser, please watch the entire video, and please do your own research on Operation Northwood, they will not stop until they have taken away our second amendment rights.”
STARTLING Things They've Planned for You in Wake of the Fla. "EVENT"
Great vid by High Impact Flix. “Gun Free Zones are TSA Security Theatre.” Criminal Empowerment Laws. "Evil people will always find a way to do evil things & the logical response to evil actions is to empower the good people not handcuff them w/series of knee-jerk laws."
Operation Northwoods. State funded Terrorism. Question Official Narrative.
Student's Spill The Beans, There Were Three Shooter's!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Who Are You Going To Go To
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
These students telling the truth need solid Protection w/nowhere to turn.
#FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL
F--- #DeepState #CIA #FBI #GunControl #PedoSatanists SCUM
Leads to #GrayState
#WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod
What's Next, And There Will Be A Next!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
“Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, watch the video, and pay special attention at the 15:16 second mark, when the student eyewitness tells the reporter that while she was walking, and talking with Nikolas Cruz, shot were being fired at the other end of the building.”
Breaking Down The Deep State Valentine Distraction - Episode 1499b
Sick of the Bulls---#WEDONOTCONSENT #FalseFlag #DRILL #SandyHook #FloridaShooting F--- #DeepState #BigPharma #CDC #MKULTRA #Democrats
Bingo, Absolute, Undeniable Proof, Google Is Culpable!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
“Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, please note how the security camera's where removed prior to the event.”
PROOF! Security Camera REMOVED BEFORE Florida School Shooting! (MIRROR UrbanMoving)
Imagine That! #FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL
Israeli Freemasons and school shootings
Mason written via Star Of David on the back of the Dollar Bill. Star of Remphan=Saturn's Cube in the middle of the Star of David.
So Much for Conspiracies: Israeli Freemasons Function as 'Boy Scouts for Adults'
What Was Secret Service Doing There
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"The kid on TV that"s pushing the gun issue .......His Father is a FBI Agent."
"We can handle the truth ... We can't handle BULLSHIT..."
Cameras removed, just like on 9/11, LV, Sandy Hook, etc. #FalseFlag
Was Nikolas Cruz Tested For Gun Shot Residue
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
I bet they didn't. Yet, no camera footage. With Secret Service there before the event tells you another #GunControl grab. Tired of the Bulls---
They Are Not Going To Stop!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
“Congress needs tp pass a Bill that eliminates gun free zones, and another Gill to fund retired military to have them protect our most precious possession's, our children. I have absolute proof of Google, YouTubes guilt in targeting conservatives, and rewarding liberals. I just need a large law fir to contact me, one that is not liberal.”
Get rid of #GunFreeZones #GunControl
#Opium #GrayState
Support #2A #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp???
#WEDONOTCONSENT#FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare
#CivilWar2 anyone???
REVEALED: Woman who cared for Florida shooter 'filed court papers demanding control of his $800,000 inheritance from his mother just ONE DAY after the massacre'
The family friend Nikolas Cruz lived with after his mother died & before he lived with the Sneads was trying to steal his inheritance. She filed papers to claim it the day after the shooting.
Florida shooting eye witness accounts DONT MATCH MSM
"But THEY never do, once happens, twice is a tad fishy at the rate we are now at is clearly govt. actions. RFB"
Just so happens his Father is FBI. Coincidence?
#DavidHogg is a very bad Crisis Actor
He's darling of the #FakeNews such as #CNN
He's a Soros Propagandizing Anti-Gun Activist #GunControl
Support #2A
Why You Trying to Manipulate Me Bro?
Video removed by YouTube.
Nariayah Testimony in 1990 proved she's the daughter of Kuwait Ambassador & Testimony is False.
Emma Gonzalez is a feminist marketing Anti-Gun Agenda.
Madeline Albright & Hillary Clinton promotes their Evil Manipulative Tools for their Illegal Wars with Raping Countries for Resources with "License To Kill" Committed Genocide. Power at all costs with respect to none.
#GeneRosen in #SandyHook #DavidHogg telepromoter #CrisisActor #FalseFlagEvents #DRILL #HegelianDialectic "Anyone who believes the #MSM at this point is beyond hope."
Survivor David Hogg In CBS Video 6 Months BEFORE Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Event
Video removed by YouTube.
David Hogg = 55 coded gematria
Another who reads from a teleprompter, just like Obama.
Plus, he messes up his lines too. Groomed for the role he's in.
They're not hiding it. What's next? Certainly not the worst #CrisisActor, but close to that category. Receives an F for memorizing lines at the School sponsored by #Soros & Gang.
"David Hogg, (son of retired FBI agent) a student activist in the Florida school shooting, was also featured six months prior to the shooting in this news story, on a California beach. He is also shown in this #MGTV video rehearsing his lines for a CNN interview. He is now an activist against individual gun ownership.
David said this earlier: "I think it's disgusting, personally. My father's a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life," student David Hogg said during an interview on #CNN. (Counterfeit News Network) "It's wrong that the president is blaming them for this." Hogg added that #Trump is in charge of the #FBI.
"He can't put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it's not them," he said.
"He is in charge of the FBI ... the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI." That quote is linked here:"
David Hogg "I'm Not a #CrisisActor!" but play one on TV anyway to push for #Propaganda such as #GunControl
Who's dog is this? This dog is steering the car, while the Crisis Actors are being interviewed on CNN
David Hogg Florida School Shooting Interviews - It Was So Real, But It Felt So Fake
Video removed by YouTube.
Winks at 1:06 mark. Earpiece 5:45 mark. Green screen too. "This must be fake, this must be a movie. - David Hogg the many interviews. He repeats his lines, but who's paying attention anyway?" Hogg is striving to be the next #FakeNews #MSM Anchor.
The Florida False flag Is Unraveling!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
HUGE VIDEO EVIDENCE: MUST WATCH David Hogg, Son of FBI agent caught on video “interviewing” student about shooting 4 HOURS ahead of Actual Shooting
This video was recorded at 9:32 Am on Feb 14th? What time was the shooting?
According to the NYT Cruz arrived on campus at 2:19 pm
Brave student interviews classmates about gun control whilst hiding from shooter
Hogg is not a student at the school, but listed at another school. Looks older than his actual age. Another Deep State plant to market Propaganda such as Gun Control.
"Well, isn't it interesting that there are no birth records for any of the alleged victims of this Hollywood creation? And why were their names redacted from the records? WHERE ARE THE DEAD BODIES????
Crisis....Reaction...Solution #HegelianDialectic This reminds me of the recent church shooting in Texas where the shooter killed a whole bunch of children who turned out never to have been born. To Understand WHY they ALWAYS use the hoax model instead of actually just killing ppl in these false flags read my latest article. And no it has nothing to do with them valuing human life. Killing ppl is what they do before breakfast every day."
What a Coincidence that the same girl here, just so happens to be at the other events. Hmmmm...
Just found out that YouTube pulled the video again that was reposted by Michael Odincov. It was a really excellent video by Anti School. BTW, Anti School's channel is taken down by YouTube.
"I do not fear karma for exposing this garbage. These 'KIDS' raised 1 million dollars over their own friends deaths. This is pure evil. Oprah Winfrey involved. Money raised will go to paid protesters March 24."
1 MILLION via Go Fund Me IN 2 DAYS???
March 24th, 2018 is the March For Life a.k.a. fundraising for Satanic sacrifices.
Wrote somethings down such as "Either you are with us or Against Us" same quote used by the Crisis Actor Teenagers seen on CNN after the Florida Shooting & George Bush after 9/11. Plus, 2 Marches in March. Women's March on March 14th. March for Life a.k.a. $$ for Satanic Sacrifices on March 24th.
March 14th 1+4=5
March 24th 2+4=6
Total of both dates 6+5=11
False Flag????
Comment from a Viewer: "They all had identical tiki torches!" "(And the one creased, square, nazi flag). We see the matrix now!"
" You're Either are With us or Against us" same phrase the young woman, the young man used after the Florida Shooting
& George Bush used the same phrase after 9/11.
Hiring for Paid Protesters at the Women's March on March 14th, 2018. "The Ides of March."
David Hogg at #CNN
#CrisisActors group photo after 12 min. mark
No matter what laws and govt control you ignorantly put in place, evil will always find a way. Only those that have fought and protected others from this evil fully understand this. #Wisdom
More Questions Keep Coming Out About The Florida Shooting And Not Enough Answers, The Entire Thing Is A Kafkaesque Mess
"The horrors, deception, and outright manipulation behind the “ #IronCurtain” did not disappear." #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
#FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL #CrisisActors
#DavidHogg connected to John Podesta via "Its on Us Campaign" by Center for American Progress. #HegelianDialectic
No coincidence here, CNN is a CIA front for propaganda.
His Father is FBI Agent, once FBI always FBI. Beware of those Controlled Opposition too.
No surprise that David Hogg a.k.a. Hogwash at #CNN even wears their T-Shirt striving as Next #MSM anchor.
From Mark Dice's post & video as follows: "Stoneman Douglas High School student and Junior ROTC member Colton Haab calls out CNN Town Hall bias after they refused to approve his question. #StudentsStandUp"
Shooting Survivor Quit CNN Town Hall After Refusing to Ask ‘Scripted’ Question
"Colton Haab, a student who survived last week’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, refused to participate in a CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night after he was told to ask a “scripted” question."
Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me "Scripted Question" After Denying Question About Armed Guards
CNN Accuses Hero Colton Haab of LYING ‘We Did Not Provide or Script Questions For Anyone in Last Night’s Town Hall or Ever’
Good for this very smart young man for asking true questions and releasing the deception thereof.
CNN ATTACKS High School Shooting Survivor; Calls ROTC Hero Who Shielded Students From Gunfire a LIAR (Video)
Cooper is a Vanderbilt and tied to Rothchilds.
Deep State censor what they can't control.
Good for Colton!!!
Trump's, Knee Jerk Reaction!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Trump moves to ban rapid-fire gun ‘bump stocks’
No gun shot residue, no survelliance, coverup. World's Stage.
#FalseFlag #VegasCoverUp #SandyHook #BananaRepublic
So many unanswered questions.
2.21- "Disaster Performers"/Twitter Lockout/New Q
Video removed by YouTube. Destroying The Illusion's channel is taken out by YouTube.
Psychological Warfare & Character Assassinations.
Divide & Conquer Tactic via Modus Operandi by the Powers that Shouldn't be.
After 2 min. mark shows Alexa Miednik appears 21 years old.
David Hogg connected to John Podesta via "Its on Us Campaign" by Center for American Progress.
Q posts refer to "Deep Dream" via Jason Bourne film. Twitter is "Deep Dream" Phase 2, Cleansing.
AG Sessions via US Cyber Task Force
Q Posts -
"The image below is of a group image taken, which just so happens to include the group of students being seen prominently all over liberal news, along with images on the side of the main image showing them appearing on cable news." A.K.A. Crisis Actor Group Photo before the Psyop.
Some Very Strange Facts About Gun Control Poster Boy - FBI Connection, Caught Rehearsing Lines, And CNN VIP Long Before Florida Shootings
David Clarke: Fla. students' gun control push has 'George Soros' fingerprints all over it'
Trump Is Really Blowing it!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
"There was no reason to invite the families, and teachers to the White House to further push the no gun narrative."
Understand your Anger & Rage. POLICIES Doesn't change.
The Evidence Is Overwhelming!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
"There must have been more than one shooter, and one could not have been Nikolas Cruz, because an eye witness spoke with him in the hallway as shots were still being fired. That video is available on, we have our own server, and YouTube can't take it down. What more proof does anyone need to realize that what happened in Florida was a false flag event to further Agenda 21."
Looks Like I Am Not The Only One!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Video delays misled cops at Stoneman Douglas shooting
20 min. delay in surveillance cameras. Hmmmm...
Killer in a Trump hat: Shirtless Florida gunman does backyard target practice wearing one of the President's Make America Great Again baseball caps before murdering 17 children in school massacre
Anti School is banned from YouTube is on DTube.
Gabor Zolna refereed to this video & feel that YouTube, Google, etc. need to be taken apart. #ClassActionLawsuit
Audio Of Gun Shots Need To Be Analyzed!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
20 min. delay surveillance cameras.
Same with the Pentagon with 1 camera working. Las Vegas Shooting of Multiple Gun fire coming from different areas.
Please read this article.
OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools
"Federal Bureau of Investigation = America’s GESTAPO" #MKULTRA
Will The AR-15's Be The First Domino To Fall!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
"If they get our AR-15's our hand guns will be next."
"The Virginia Tech Shooting was done by a Mad Man via Semi Automatic Glock 19 & Walter P .22 Pistol."
"Read the Wikipedia article about the Virginia Tech School shooting where 32 people died, and 17 were wounded. If they get our AR-15's our hand guns will be next."
Mad Men did Sandy Hook, LV, Boston Marathon, etc
Video proves #davidhogg coached kids and that some of the video was during a drill. #parkland, #Q, #Qanon, #Greatawakening
Check out Zolna's videos at
Crises Actor's Wanted For 03/04/18, Houston Event!
Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser. check out the ad posted in Craigslist, for 16 crises actor's, for a Medical event in Houston.
Watch the video on
This Is I Believe The Houston Event!
Christian music event on March 4th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
March 4th (3+4=7) (2018=11) 711
Check out Gabor Zolna's video on
#FalseFlag #CrisisActors
U.S. UPDATE. Friday Nite RedPillRadio Live Show/6:pm Central
Craig's List Request online for crisis actors for some sort of mass casualty event starting on March 2nd and ending on March 4th, 2018(9/11 Gematria) in Houston, Texas. $1000 compensation. False Flag Event?
F---#DeepState #Illuminati #Freemasons Lodges in every town.
Great Testimony & points from a Local in FL who questions the Narrative & has great points.
“This was very eye opening. I didn't think about cameras in the school. That's also strange that a student was talking about the handle of the door jiggling and hearing someone say try another door. This is pretty alarming.”Unrolled thread from @JohnBouchell
Four sheriff’s deputies hid during Florida school shooting
Officers Being Treated Unfairly!
Dr. Medhat El Amir failure to pay $500,000 in taxes to IRS
#Florida #SchoolShooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by ego-maniacal #sheriff exposed as an anti-gun #Democrat operative seeking fame
"Everybody involved in this makes me want to vomit. Why does Israel sound like a low level mafia stooge character?"
He's Killery's Shill w/Narcissistic personality disorder.
Follow the $$$
Someone is probably paying him to do this...
Celebrity School Shooting Survivor and NRA Boycott Leader David Hogg Warns: Sell FedEx Stock!
Demand A New 911 Investigation!
Video removed by YouTube. Look for this video on
Another video removed by YouTube. Civil War 2 anyone???
#911Truths #ControlledDemolition #Thermite #MilitaryIndustrialComplex POLICES Doesn't change. #HighTreason
Finally, excellent news for once. Need to hear more stories such as this.
God bless the hero. Praying for a speedy recovery. Hero Citizen Stops Mass Shooting In A Church, Cops Show Up And Shoot HIM—Media Silent
Florida School Shooting Witness Given Scripts
FBI knew about Cruz & Police/FBI were called 39 times to his home & on Psychotropic Drugs.
4 weeks before the FF event Secret Service was at the school conducting Drills.
Parents were sent notice on Red Alert on the Drill that day.
20 sec. delay on surveillance cameras.
Students saw Police staking bodies covered in Tarps. Whose Bodies are they really?
Some Real Witnesses weren't going with the Narrative, stated Multiple Shooters & was a Drill, FF Event.
Question Everything...
Dog & Pony Show. All by design, World's Stage. #FloridaShooting #FalseFlag #DRILL F---#DeepState #CNN #MSM #GunControl #CrisisActors #NWOAgenda
Will You Believe Her?
David Seaman BANNED
"Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, listen to what David Seaman has to say, most interesting. No sooner did David Seaman mention the false flag event in Florida, and talk about the crises actor, David Hogg, his entire channel was removed. They don't want the truth getting out to the American people." David Seaman Removed From YouTube, And Twitter!
"If your YouTube favorite conservative YouTuber was blocked, you need to contact YouTube, and demand that their channels are reinstated. The Federal Government needs to defend our First Amendment Rights, and the FCC, and the AG needs to take them apart, since they are a criminal, and dysfunctional left wing organization."YouTube Is Deleting Conservative Websites!
RED ALERT! YouTube Terminating Vegas Investigation Channels
#ClassActionLawsuit YouTube (Gestapo) #Censorship
Other channels Censored & Removed from YouTube are: Charles Walton, AntiSchool, According To Joe, Destroying The Illusion, Ron Johnson, Dustin Nemo, Mike Decker, Titus Frost, Mike (reposting Gabor Zolna's videos) channels & much more.
Our 1st Amendment is being suppressed by the powers that shouldn't be. The powers that shouldn't be push Narratives rather than Truth.
How Difficult Could This Be To Prove?
#DavidHogg is a#CrisisActor is 21+ years old
" Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, read the entire article, absolutely riveting. The stage for this kind of event was set a very long time ago, with a corrupt school board, and a corrupt police department."The Stage Was Set A Long Time Ago For The Florida School Shooting!
WATCH! Legislators & Kids ACTUALLY Call for MORE GUN VIOLENCE!
There Will Be More Children Killed!
The CNN Clown Hall Meeting: A REAL Cast of Lunatics!
Great video High Impact Flix
"Systemic Stupidity" "Weaponized ignorance!"
"An emotional lynch mob void of logic and reason."
#CNN=#CIA (#ClownNewsNetwork & In America & Worldwide) #WEDONOTCONSENT Support #2A #CivilWar 2 anyone??
DeMolay is a Freemason Fraternity
Job's Daughters, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, & DeMolay are Freemason Lodges.
For the love of money is the root of all evil...The Root of the Love of Money is Pride. Pride comes before the fall.
Cruz didn't do it! That's why cops did not go in! Was Deep State Hit Team.
Stacey Lippel, one of the Teachers saw a total pro shooter dressed in full body armor black gear such as SWAT Team! Here is her interview:
"Please paste, and copy the above link into your browser, listen to what school teacher Stacey Lippel has to say. She saw a police officer in full metal gear shooting innocent children, as she slammed the door shut."Eye Witness, Reports Cop Shooter!
Comment from a Viewer: "This whole thing is the most insane shit I have ever seen. The FBI needs to be shut down, along with the CIA. We have crooked cops shooting up schools, what the fuck is going on? Every agency has been corrupted, I really don't think Trump is gonna be able to fix this or if he even intends to. If the people are not gonna do anything about it kiss the country goodbye."
'Full metal garb' - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting
"On February 14th 2018 in south Florida, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teacher Stacy Lippel was 20 feet from a gunman firing 'barrages' of bullets into classrooms and down the hallway."
"Please paste, and copy the above link into your browser, watch the video, listen to what Stacey Lippel said about who was doing all the killing, it was a police officer, it was not NiKolas Cruz."Why Is This Not All Over MSM? Where is The National Guard?
Comment from a Viewer: "She says: "I'm staring at him thinking why's the police here? Because he's in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, full metal body armor, shooting this gun that I have never seen before!" Can't believe the person interviewing her didn't ask her a follow up to that! Provided this woman's statement is credible, this is either a police guy, swat guy, military guy, or mercenary of some sort! And where is the national guard you ask? They could be in on it! Yeah this whole thing needs to be investigated!"
Trump Has Got To Hear What Stacey Lippel Said On ABC!
"Please listen to what #StaceyLippel said about who was doing all the killing, it was a police officer, not Nikolas Cruz."
One of the hiding sheriffs at school shooting is CAIR leader for Florida
"Nezar Hamze, an activist who is regional operations director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Florida. He’s working as a sheriff’s deputy, at a salary of $49,274."
Florida Shooting Event, Unraveling!
They Are Going To Come!
What Does Anyone Think Is Going On On Stacey Lippel's Mind?
"There are approximately four million teachers in America, according to President Trump, he would like to see 30-40 percent of them trained and become proficient with firearms, that would put an additional 1.6 million firearms scattered throughout the country."
Democrats planned backfired.
"It just proves that government cannot be trusted and the only person responsible for your protection is yourself. We all need to carry, open and concealed as well. Let the criminals guess who's armed or not." Support#2AThe Florida False Flag Shooting Backfired!
74 Florida Republicans Call on Governor to Remove Sheriff
Florida Republican Legislator's Are Clueless!
"Democrat, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and countless others are preaching the importance of gun control, and they are absolutely right, I hope this short video helps with your individual gun control."
Gently squeeze the trigger.Democrats Are Correct, Gun Control Is Critically Important!
Sheriff Israel's Criminal Ties! Roger Stone Got Elected! Boom!
"Scumbag Sheriff Israel takes money from crime syndicates! Was taking huge money from a convicted felon Yoram Izhak, who $$$ the Sheriff" Roger Stone helped him get elected & is #ControlledOpposition, Illuminati Deep State pawn along with Alex Jones & others too.
Parkland School Superstars - Puppets of Gun-Grabbing Tyrants
Power at all $$ w/respect to none. Those who have gained the world, yet sold their souls. F---#GunControl
Comments from Viewers: "Absolutely correct. Same thing the Hitler did."
"Sheeple will continue to stay Sheeple! True 2A Americans should always continue to Carry On!"
"Behold a Pale Horse" and "The Hour of the Time" RIP Mr. Cooper. A Great Patriot."
Jake Tapper in a Pussy Hat.
Great Message by Diamond & Silk saying we have $$$ for Illegals, but No excuse for not have $$$ to protect Children.
After 4 min. mark Anti School on The Miller Act 40 USC 3131, requires Prime Contractors on Government Contracts to post bonds guaranteeing payment to suppliers.
More information such as after 14 min. mark Sheriff Deputy in Broward County teaching local Mosques to defend themselves is the same agency against arming and training teachers to protect your children.
David Hogg, Crisis Actor pushing for Gun Control on CNN. After 19 min. mark another Classmate of Hogg stated that he went to school with Hogg, who wanted to work for CNN & be an Actor & confirms that they graduated from Redondo Shores High School in 2015 in CA.
Stoneman Douglas has the same Mascot as the Philadelphia Eagles. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. Support #2A
The Real Reason they are Purging Truther Channels & FB Pages
All about CONTROL the #Narrative without opposition or questions. Welcome to 1984#Orwellian times
The Controllers are more Concerned w/Controlling truth than Gun Grabbing
Term Limits. POLICIES Doesn't Change. World's Stage.
Zolna on The 22 Amendment & describes Obama perfectly. On 9/11 truths, 2nd Amendment, JFK, PoliticsThe 22 Amendment Needs To Be Ratified!
Graham Ledger Of OAN Network Is Ill Informed! "Please paste, and copy the above link into your browser, watch the video, listen to what stacey Lippel said about who was doing all the killing, it was a police officer, it was not Nikolas Cruz." Cruz is a Pasty.
Witnesses saw a White pickup truck with the armored cops getting in and throwing 2 bags on the ground.
STRANGE: Responders Throw Body Bag in Back of Truck Amid Florida Shooting
Listen to what Gabor Zolna has to say. #MSM is covering it up. "They are all Complicit & reaching a Melting-Point."
F--- #CIA #DeepState #NWO
Comes back to what Bill Cooper said: "Don't believe anything unless you can prove it with your own research! "
CRISIS ACTORS and Censorship
Another video removed by YouTube
MIKE DECKER on Chemicals Sprayed From The Belly Of British Airways
Yes ~ we are part of the resistance! ITER is Sun Worship & looks like #CERN #ScryingMirrors the NEW drudge report
322 and 5G here it comes
Quote by RFB "Judgemental asshole was the word I was searching for."
"The NWO is prophesied: GET READY!!" RFB on vimeo F--- #NWOAgenda #WEDONOTCONSENT#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod #JesusChrist come soon!!!
EMERGENCY BROADCAST from the Health Ranger Feb. 2018
Don't give up your right to defend yourself from all enemies Foreign & Domestic.
Comment from a Viewer: “Youtube is coming down hard on all truth attack on the 2nd amendment is an act of war in the founding fathers eyes. The left has turned into a communist state...”
We Are Headed For A Civil War! Watch this video on
All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.
Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.
That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.
Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
That was a long read but very enlightening.
Strange things in this world. But GOD remains KING
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