These are the words we can leverage to break ourselves out of our mental feedback loops.
“Am I okay with my behavior?”
Rather early on in life, I noticed I was subjecting myself to “peer” control. I was always worrying about what others were going to think about me..this is the selfish ego <—I smashed that
I realized it doesn’t matter. What does matter is our own self governance. So many of us get stuck in these feedback loops wondering what other people think. This degrades our quality of life as we try to live our life via others. We all get or do things wrong, but we all know that, so that doesn’t even matter. What matters is if you followed the moral compass.
Did I get something wrong, of course, but am I okay with my behavior? I haven’t found an event to say no.
How often do you apply a construct to yourself like this? “What will the neighbors think?” It’s not about the neighbors, it’s about you, what you want. Am I okay with putting this massive thing in my front yard? Yup, I am :D
So, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks..and a secret..more than likely they aren’t even paying that much attention to you..
So, you be you, just follow the moral code.